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2 pages/≈550 words
2 Sources
Business & Marketing
Article Critique
English (U.S.)
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Business Ethics: Unit III Article Critique

Article Critique Instructions:

Unit III Article Critique
Read the Reality Check “Do Codes Make a Difference?” on page 165 of your textbook.
As you read the article, consider the following questions: How could the topic of this article apply to your personal or professional life, and how could it apply to an organization you have observed?
The writing assignment you submit must meet the following requirements:
Be at least two pages in length (not including the cover and reference pages)
Summarize the article
Identify the author’s intended audience
Critique the article
Assess how the author addresses business ethics within the workplace
Formulate your own conclusions on the topic
Remember to format this, and all written assignments, using APA style.
Hartman, L. P., DesJardins, J., & MacDonald, C. (2014). Business ethics: Decision making for personal integrity & social responsibility (3rd ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill.

Article Critique Sample Content Preview:

Business Ethics: Unit III Article Critique
Summarize the article
The article ‘Do Codes make a Difference’ focuses on the significance of having a code of conduct as demonstrated by its benefits in the Johnson & Johnson Company. Even though, the company does not have a mission statement hanging on the company’s walls, the original Credo envisioned by the founder has guided the company’s code of conduct. The Credo is viewed positively by the company’s employees’ and it has improved the company’s reputation throughout its existence. Even though, companies seek to maximize profits, the Credo emphasized the company’s responsibilities towards customers, employees, stakeholders, people who live in areas where the company operates as well as the stock holders. The Credo has benefited the company, allowing it to have positive relationship with stakeholders, highlighting the benefits of having a code of conduct.
Intended audience
The case study is intended to inform scholars of organizational practice and business ethics. It is also meant to inform business students and other organizations on the relevance of a code of conduct. Each company has a unique corporate culture, and the code of conduct helps to define ethical practice in the workplace. In particular, other companies can emulate Johnson & Johnson’s example by placing importance on all stakeholders especially the customers and employees. Hence, the audience learns that the management’s decision making should ideally be in line with the code of conduct.
Critique the article
A code of conduct is one of the ways through which organizations demonstrate ethical leadership, with employees upholding values in the code of conduct. The authors, rightly point out that the Credo has been adapted over time to meet the changing demand and workp...
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