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The Argument That Congress Is The Most Powerful Branch Of The Federal Government

Term Paper Instructions:

Choose NY times articles between Sept 15- today. You must include textbook reference. Here is the link for citation to the book: https://www(dot)amazon(dot)com/Gateways-Democracy-John-G-Geer/dp/133709773X/ref=sr_1_1?ie=UTF8&qid=1513041948&sr=8-1&keywords=gateways+to+democracy+4th+edition

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American National Government
The United States Federal or National Government is made up of three branches: executive, judiciary, and legislative. The legislative branch of the United States is bicameral that is the Senate and the House of Representatives. Both of the Senate and the House of Representatives is collectively known as the Congress (Golden, 2017). Some of the powers of the legislative branch of the government include making of all laws in the United States, declaration of war, regulation of inter-state and foreign markets, controls of taxing, and spending the policies. The Executive Branch of the government is made up of the President, his or her team of advisors, ministers, and different departments and agencies. It is important to remember that the executive branch of the government is responsible for the enforcement of laws of the land. The Judiciary branch of the government on the other hand consists of the United States Supreme Court, and the Federal Judicial Center. However, there have been arguments or suggestions that the Congress is the most powerful branch of the Federal government as compared to the other two branches (Geer, Herrera, Schiller & Segal, 2017).
This essay examines the argument that Congress is the most powerful branch of the Federal government.
Powerful Branch of Federal Government
Those who wrote the Constitution of the United States were determined to make the legislative body to be the most authoritative and energetic branch of the federal government. The Congress was given the powers and authority to make laws, to declare war, collection of tax, and expenditure of the revenue collected. Even though the Executive and the Judiciary may operate independently from the Legislative wing of the national government, or better still opposing to its needs; however the Constitution has given the Legislative wing of the government a lot of authority than it did to the other twigs of the national government. Although the Constitution has given the Executive and Judicial branches some powers, which can be used as checks and balances for the Legislative branch of the Federal government. The framers of the Constitution further went a head to add a precaution of dividing the Congress into two; the Senate and the House of Representatives and a Senate (Wilson, 2017).
Although the legislative branch has been given the most inspiring collection of authority of the Constitution, the Congress may only perform these authorities when both of the House of Representatives and the Senate should be in agreement. According to Wilson (2017), a bill cannot become a law, war cannot be declared, and taxes cannot be raised, and even amendments to the constitution cannot be proposed and done independently by one house without involving the other. The American constitution and other Acts state that the...
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