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Social Sciences
Research Paper
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Application of Digital Technology to Social Research

Research Paper Instructions:

The research paper is assigned from one of the topics covered on the provided list given to you. This paper should be typewritten / double-spaced w/ citations / ASA format (American Sociological Association) / 12-point font / 5 full pages. In addition, your paper must include a cover page, a “References” page with 2-3 references. A list of suggested topics in addition to a writing rubric will be posted under files on canvas. Bakersfield college library link https://www(dot)bakersfieldcollege(dot)edu/library, use Ebsco host: Academic search complete, and/or JSTOR through our Bakersfield College website that is listed.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Technology and Social Research
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Technology and Social Research
The application of digital technology to social research is quickly evolving, deliberative, and reflective field. The utilization of Internet technologies and tools as research goals, tools, and policies for studying and developing creative methodological practices is at the heart of this development. Digital technology, according to social scientists, may both broaden existing study interests and generate new topics and research problems. For example, hyperlinks have spawned link studies. Correspondingly, web and WebPages content has fueled the analysis of search outcomes and their political affairs.
In contrast, search engines have fueled the analysis of search engine outcomes and their political principles. Simultaneously, digital technology has compelled academics to re-examine old methodologies and develop new research methodology tools. Researchers frequently use Internet tools and applications to tweak the traditional process and create virtual or online versions to address the disadvantages of offline research methods. Some have gone so far as to say that the research community must have the requisite skills to regard digital approaches as "mainstream methodology." This research paper examines how technological advancements such as social media, digital video, online blogs, and online surveys might aid social research in the future and the problems that this technology may raise.
Research overview
To achieve these goals, researchers performed studies in commerce and management, history, education, politics, and literature to learn how social researchers from five diverse restraints use resources, services, and digital tools to perform or support studies. Although the choice of the five regulations suggests a large field of research, it might be reasonable based on their similarities and contrasts. On the one hand, unlike areas like communication and media, information systems and telecommunications industries, and technological studies, all five functions are unfamiliar with the growth and structure of communications technology. This is important since the goal of this study was to look into the usage of digital technologies in areas where they aren't an essential element of or the focus of research. Furthermore, these five fields do a significant amount of what is referred to as social research,' and the study of culture and community accounts for a substantial portion of their research output.
On the other hand, researchers were interested in understanding the legacies of various lessons and how they have historically been located about technology. According to Vuolanto (2020), “another potential emerging area of collaboration for social research in cognitive science, which is relatively well studied in the Nordic context." However, because digital materials such as images, music, and video are simple to modify, media manipulation is joint. It's no longer always simple to distinguish what's real and what's not. Photoshop and other editing software may be used to make changes to photographs. It is possible to manipulate digital audio and video....
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