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7 pages/≈1925 words
7 Sources
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Women are Better Managers than Men

Research Paper Instructions:

“Women are better managers than men.” Do you agree or disagree with this statement?
Your paper will be 6-8 pages long, double-spaced, with 12 point font, not including your reference list (a title page is not necessary). Your reference list, which can be in any format, must include at least four references and at least one of your references must be dated 2012 or 2013. Your paper must be based on the information in your references. Do not use more than three sentences of direct quotes from any of your references - the purpose of this paper is to test your writing skills, not your cutting and pasting skills.
Factors that could lower your grade include but are not limited to:
Errors in spelling, grammar, and punctuation
Insufficient discussion of arguments supporting and opposing the above statement. To be clear, the opposing argument is that women are not better managers than men.
Failure to stick to the page limits
An indecisive conclusion that does not clearly agree or disagree with the above statement. To be clear, it is OK to agree or to disagree with the above statement, but not to conclude that “I have decided that I both agree and disagree”.
Wikipedia is an unacceptable reference, and so are the readings that have been assigned to this class. A better idea than surfing the Internet in search of references is to use our library e-resources. ABI/Inform is the first one alphabetically and it is particularly good, if you search “women men managers” you will find lots of full-text articles. Avoid academic papers, they are hard to read and sometimes irrelevant.
For my research paper, I want to agree with the statement. So it is very important that the research paper clearly shows a stance that I am agreeing with the statement "Women are better managers than men".

Also, I have added some sources that I believe my be helpful. You don't necessarily need to use them if you choose not to, but they are there just in case.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Name: Professor’s Name: Course: Date: Women are Better Managers than Men In the past, men were considered to be better leaders than women. The world esteemed men more than women, and even in leadership, men were seen as being the best fit. Women, were secluded or isolated to the household chores and it was unnatural for them to ever assume leadership positions. In a study done by Gallup more than 60 years ago, Smith notes that 66% of the people who were interviewed said: “they preferred a male boss; 5% said they preferred a female boss, and 25% claimed it made no difference to them.” Having a female boss was not popular, and since men ruled the world, it was only right and fitting that they be bosses as well. However, what seemed unpopular more than 60 years ago has now become quite common with more people now preferring to work for female bosses. So, what changed? Well, as it will be revealed in this paper, women happen to make better managers than men. The past was not easy for women who had to fight for their place in the world. However, today, women cannot be ignored and their contribution to the world as well. The assumptions that women cannot lead because they are too emotional, they take criticism personally, and that they cannot separate personal issues from their work are slowly but permanently being put to rest. Women are not only known to be great at creating social connections but are also inspiring, motivating, understanding, and emotionally intelligent compared to men and it is on the basis of these that this paper seeks to agree with the notion that women are better managers than men. One reason why women make better managers is because they have high emotional intelligence compared to men. Research by the Hay Group revealed that “women score higher than men on nearly all emotional intelligence competencies, except emotional self-control, where no gender differences are observed” (2016). Unlike men, women are more personal and keener on feelings and emotions. They are also good at collecting emotional data and having this data influence their decision-making process. As a leader, it is crucial for one to read and understand people’s reactions and know their needs. When a leader knows how to read their employees’ needs, it is possible to respond to them and to make credible attempts at meeting them. Employees want to feel understood and also like they are being seen. For a leader, it is impossible to be effective and influence one’s workforce if one does not know how to respond or even observe their employees’ emotional needs. Women are good at detecting and using their emotional self-awareness, and this is supported by the Hay Group’s report which indicates that “18.4% of women demonstrate the competency consistently compared to just 9.9% of men.” The competency discussed here is emotional, and this helps to affirm that women make better managers than men. Another thing that stands out for women is that they are better than men at encouraging and growing potential in their employees. As indicated earlier, it is crucial for managers or leaders to know and understand the needs and desires of their employees. Women managers excel at this and have been found to encourage the growth and development o...
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