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Research Paper
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History Assignment Paper: Progressive Movement, Landmarks

Research Paper Instructions:

The essay should support a thesis statement with information gained from research or investigation.
The paper will not be just a report presenting information, but will be an essay that carefully examines and presents your own historical interpretation of the topic you have chosen and your interpretation of the information you have gathered.
The paper may include consideration of problems and solutions, define key terms, or refute arguments against your thesis statement.
It will be important to choose a topic of interest to you.
Approach this assignment with an open and skeptical mind, then form an opinion based on what you have discovered.
You must suspend belief while you are investigating and let the discoveries shape your opinion. (This is a thesis-finding approach.)
Once you have found your thesis, write the paper to support it.
You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process:
Choosing an appropriate topic, limiting the topic
Gathering information, summarizing sources
Analyzing and evaluating sources
Defining key terms
Synthesizing information, comparing and contrasting sources
Testing a thesis, making an historical argument, using refutation
Amassing support for a position
Documenting sources
Because this may be a longer essay than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps:
Choose a topic related to U.S. History after 1877 (Chapters 16-28) that you would truly like to explore and that you are willing to spend some time on. Your chosen topic should be focused. Pose a question that you really want to answer. You may want to begin with more than one topic in mind.
Do some preliminary reading on the topic(s). You may begin with the textbook, then further explore the information available. Refine your topic. Summarize your topic, your interest in the topic, the questions you want to answer, and a hypothesis you want to test.
Gather information from a variety of sources. Use a minimum of four sources for your paper, and at least one must be a primary source.
Examples of primary sources are ones that are used in our discussion forums 2 - 8.
They are sources that are contemporary to the times under investigation.
An example of a secondary source is our textbook, though the textbook also contains excerpts of primary sources, which you may use as a source in your essay.
Outline the results of your research and then plan for your essay (note you are not required to submit the outline).
Write the final draft and be sure to include a Works Cited List; be sure to use the correct MLA documentation style.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:
Progressive movement and its landmarks
Progressive movement and its landmarks
During the gilded age, United States experienced significant economic growth. Great American industrialists like Andrew Carnegie and Rockefeller established industries that would form the basis of the modern industrial economy. The gilded period was characterized by massive economic growth.Moderate industrial complexes, like steel, energy railroad, coal mining, and factories grew rapidly. Rail system made movement easy by the penetration of the railroad systems. As the economy grew, urbanization became a problem and social injustices, political corruption, materialism and poor working conditions became the order of the day. Americans believed that the big corporations were controlling the government and set out to rid the state of the big companies’ grip. To protect the rights of minority groups, immigrants, poor citizens, vulnerable workers like women and children, Americans started the Progressive movement.
The movement’s main agenda was to negotiate for better working conditions, rid the government of corporations control and remove corrupt officials from office. Although the campaign was multi-faceted and had various interest groups in action, this paper argues that it achieved social, political and constitutional landmarks. Socially, the movement succeeded through the enactment of general welfare clause, child labor laws, politically the movement changed how the government handled its affairs, brought the referendum. Constitutionally, it led to enactment of major legislation that brought open primaries and direct election of the senators.
The progressive period came up as a result of the vices that plagued the gilded age. Owing to massive technological advancement and bustling economy, disparity between the haves and the have-nots in the gilded age widened. The poor lived in deplorable conditions while their affluent counterparts lived in opulence. The political class dined with business barons while the industrial workers were subjected to poor working conditions working long hours for little pay. In the factories, the conditions were inhumane, unhealthy and risky. Employees worked long hours with little pay (Norton et al., pg.201). Child labor was rampant, and women worked more extended hours equally as their male counterparts.
Additionally, there was lack of political willpower in dealing with workers plight. Entrepreneurs who owned big corporations controlled the government and thwarted legislation. The prevalence of social ills gave rise to progressivism. The group was made up of an urban and middle-class group who wanted the government to take a significant role in addressing the welfare of the public and big business influences.
Social landmarks of the progressive era.
During the progressive period, a group of journalists known as muckrakers highlighted social ills and made the public aware of the societal failings. They did investigative pieces and posted them in magazines. These pieces helped in gunning support for the change movement. Muckrakers consisted of journalists who published articles in magazines and later on books. They did some exposes like "the histor...
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