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Positive psychology in internet addiction. Psychology Research Paper

Research Paper Instructions:

The major assignment for this unit requires you to complete a written report that focusses on the application of positive psychology to internet addiction that is having a significant effect on the broader society. The broad aim is to demonstrate how positive psychology might be used to help address some of the problems related to internet addiction. In doing so, you will be expected to apply key positive psychology principles and draw upon relevant research and theory to evaluate how effective and applicable positive psychology may be as an intervention.
The report that you produce should be divided into 4 different sections that should:
Introduce the aims of the report and clearly establish the parameters (what will be discussed);
provide a detailed overview of the chosen social issue;
provide a detailed overview of the chosen positive psychology principle(s); and
provide a detailed description of a proposed positive psychology based intervention/program designed to help reduce the negative impact of internet addiction.
More details on what you should include in each of the sections are provided below.
Section 1 - Introduction
In this section, you should provide an introduction to the report that outlines the broad aim(s) of the report as well as the parameters (what the report will contain). It should be made very clear to the audience as to the exact purpose of the report and the aim(s) and scope should be articulated clearly and accurately. The overall aim for Section 1 is to provide an introduction to the report and make it clear to the audience what will be contained within the report. In this case the audience will be health professionals. The suggested word count for this section is 500-750 words.
Section 2 – Overview of chosen social issue
In Section 2 you should introduce the chosen social issue (Internet addiction) which will form the focus of the report. You should provide a clear description of what Internet addiction is and the affect that it has individually and more broadly (e.g., on society). In doing so, consider both the historical and current impact (i.e., Internet addiction would not have been an issue historically). You should include any relevant statistics (when describing this trend and stating figures use formal sources – not Wikipedia!) and/or information pertaining to epidemiology including causes and contributing factors (e.g., who is at risk?) as well as evaluating current approaches to treatment/intervention (this may include medical treatments, psychological treatments, broader interventions and programs). Please note that you should not include any intervention and/or treatment that is based on your proposed intervention. This will be covered in Section 3. Instead, the focus should be on existing efforts to address the chosen social issue. The aim of Section 2 is to provide a thorough overview of the chosen social issue and to help illustrate to the audience that it is a significant problem that needs further attention, as well as outlining existing interventions relevant to the chosen social problem. The suggested word count for this section is approximately 1000 – 1200 words.
Section 3 – Introduction and integration of positive psychology
In this section you should broadly and briefly introduce the discipline of positive psychology with a specific focus on what positive psychology is and how it may be applied to improve the well-being of people in general (e.g., how it might be used in counselling). Having provided a general introduction, you should then describe the aspect(s) of positive psychology that will form the basis of your intervention (signature strength program's and building of positive emotions). You should provide a clear and accurate description including integration of relevant theory as applicable. You should also provide a brief literature review that helps outline the efficacy of the chosen positive psychology aspect for the purposes of treatment/interventions. Where possible, the literature should focus on your chosen social trend but in the absence of relevant literature, you can focus more broadly. You should make sure you critically evaluate the literature. The overall aim of Section 3 is to introduce positive psychology, including an overview of how positive psychology can be used to help people. In addition, a further key aim is to review the current literature on a specific aspect(s) of positive psychology relevant to your intervention proposal. The suggested word count for this section is 1500 words.
Section 4 – Intervention Proposal
In the final section of the report you should provide a detailed description of your proposed intervention. You should provide sufficient detail on the intervention focusing on the what, who, how, where, when, and why.
What the intervention is.
Make sure you provide a clear, thorough description of the intervention include a rationale.
Who it is aimed at.
Is the intervention aimed at individuals experiencing the targeted social issue (e.g., drug users, obese individuals) or does it also capture a broader audience (e.g., educators, family members). Make sure it is clear as to who would be the ideal candidate for the intervention.
How the intervention would work.
Describe clearly the processes and mechanisms involved for your chosen intervention (e.g., If you choose meditation as a technique, how would it work? Would surveys/questionnaires and/or clinical interviews be involved?). Also include how you would know it worked (i.e., what criteria would you use to measure success for the intervention?).
When it would be implemented.
This should essentially focus on timing; would the intervention run daily? Weekly? Monthly? Once off? Would it be available at all times or would access be restricted?
Where it would be implemented.
Would the intervention be in person? Online? Would it be run in a community setting? A school setting?
Why you have chosen this approach.
This is an important aspect of this Section, as you must provide a justification for the approach you have taken. In doing so, you evaluate other alternatives you considered and the limitations to these.
The suggested word count for this section is 1500-2000 words. The overall aim of this section is to provide a detail overview of your proposed intervention.
Other sections
You should also include a table of contents, a brief conclusion, an abstract (no more than 250 words) and APA style reference list. The word count does not include these sections.
Please note: — You should include a minimum of 15-20 academic references in your report.


complete a written report that focusses on the application of positive psychology to internet addiction that is having a significant effect on the broader society

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Positive psychology in internet addiction
Positive psychology has been determined as an effective psychology approach that helps in studying an individual’s feelings and thoughts and determining how one’s strengths can be promoted to make life worth living by facilitating happiness and joy. Besides, it has been noted that the development of technology and the availability of the internet have increased internet usage. There are individuals who use most of their time on the internet, which can cause addiction. Addition occurs when internet use interferes with one’s regular activities and hinders an individual from engaging in real face-to-face interactions and becomes reliant on the virtue relationships established on the internet. Ideally, positive phycology can be easily integrated into internet addiction disorder. It has been noted that positive psychology may be attained at different levels, including subjective level, which is concerned with positive experiences such as happiness and joy. The second phase is the individual level, and it is concerned with the elements of a good life. The positive cognitive behavioral therapy has been identified as the most appropriate intervention to help an individual with an internet addiction disorder. The Positive CBT would help in help in identifying the strengths of the addicted individual and determine how they would be applied in facilitating well-being.
Psychologist Abraham Maslow was the original coiner of the term Positive Psychology back in the 1950s. Positive psychology refers to the scientific study of things that makes human beings’ life worth living. Also, positive psychology can be examined as a scientific approach to the study of an individual's feelings, thoughts, and behaviors while maintaining focus on the strengths and not the individual's weaknesses. It involves building a good life instead of focusing on repairing the old unfruitful life of the individual. Positive psychology also aims at taking the ordinary people to live up to great, not only focusing on bringing the low life to be healthy. Positive experiences and positive traits and states such as joy, happiness, love, inspiration, gratitude, compassion, and resilience are applied in positive institutions and organizations.
Internet addiction is commonly known as Compulsive Internet Use and Problematic Internet Use. It was theorized as a disorder back in 1995 by doctor Goldberg Md after he compared the pathological gambling of the internet addiction disorder in the past few years. With the current technological advancements and the availability of internet connectivity and connected devices, the internet addiction has found its way to curb most internet users who unfortunately do not understand that they are suffering from a disorder (Iacolino et al., 2019). The joint effects of internet addiction disorder are in some parts of the brain. The experience of the internet releases dopamine, which is the chemical in the brain that promotes a pleasurable feeling which lacks in case of the passage of time without the use of the internet. This is precisely the case of internet disorder. At the beginning stages, most people fail to realize that a ...
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