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Nursing Research Paper: Raising Awareness on Communicable Diseases among a Group of Female Adolescents: Effective or Not?

Research Paper Instructions:

there are 2 parts to this paper I have done the first part already now I need the writer to finish it up for me please review uploaded materials and continue this paper for me please and I need asap. I am giving a 6 hour window as this paper is due tomorrow.
I will upload first part that is complete which is my paper that the instructor accepted and liked and I will upload materials for the 2nd part for the paper that needs to be added to the paper .
HSC4624.0M1 Foundations of Global Health (Fall 2020)
TEXTBOOK!!! Global Health 101 third edition
There are 2 Parts to this project:
FIRST PART DONE please refer to HSC4624 Part 1 final project Title/Topic: Raising Awareness on Communicable Diseases among a group of Female Adolescents: Effective or Not?
**SECOND PART is following:
Please review the Final project Instructions document below
Instructions for HSC 4624 Final Project (15% of final grade)
The goal of this project is to synthesize key concepts from class as they relate to a specific identified global public health issue. This is an opportunity to delve deeper into some of the topics we are covering in this course.
Here are the Steps to Your Project

1) Please refer to part 1 paper written Raising Awareness on Communicable Diseases among a Group of Female Adolescents: Effective or Not? Then implement the following
2) Explain why this is a global public health issue. Include the social determinants that apply to the issue. Provide evidence from the literature (the more sources you research and apply to provide support to your paper, the more informative your paper). Use (at minimum) of six sources for your project. At least three of those sources should be peer-reviewed journal sources.
3) Describe two interventions that have been used to solve the issue. Include at least two pros and cons of each intervention. Also, is there a unique intervention that you can suggest? Be sure to provide support why this intervention may solve the issue.
4) Are there international agencies involved, and if so, what are they doing? If not, please discuss why the agencies are not involved or (if applicable) discuss past agency involvement and why the agencies are no longer involved.
5) What are some of the ethical issues that may be involved in addressing this issue? Please address them in the paper.
6) Address the role (or potential role) of government/health care system in managing the issue.
Guidelines for Writing the Final Term Project
1. Introduction is comprehensive, gives reader good direction, ‘sets the scene’, and is followed throughout paper.
2. Summary/conclusion is thoughtful and relevant.
3. Fundamental issues addressed in depth with original arguments and critical judgments, demonstrating insight and creativity.
4. Current and classic primary literature sources are utilized (careful using non-academic sources).
5. Writing style shows evidence of individuality, unity and fluency. For this size of paper, I would highly encourage the use of headings to label key points of your paper and proper organization and flow of important points.
6. Overall presentation of the paper is professional with no errors in syntax, grammar, spelling, etc., and follows APA 7th edition formatting guidelines.
8. Please ensure that the Turnitin Similarity Index is no more than 15%.
• Length: 5-8 pages (length does not include title page, reference page, graphs and/or visuals. An abstract is not required)
• Double-line spacing
• Times New Roman font style (12-point font size)
• At least 3-5 sentences per paragraph (indention of all paragraphs)
• Title page
• Reference page (minimum 6 sources used, with at least three peer-reviewed journal articles.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Raising Awareness on Communicable Diseases among a Group of Female Adolescents: Effective or Not?
Hailey Tarlini
Santa Fe College
HSC 4624: Global Health 101
Dr. Kezia Awadzi
December 2, 2020
Raising Awareness on Communicable Diseases among a Group of Female Adolescents: Effective or Not?
Protecting the right to health of people of all age ranges is a specific, important, and global concern in the area of public health. There is one particular age group that this future research would like to explore, though: the adolescents and female adolescents, specifically.
The World Health Organization (as cited by Skolnik, 2016) defines an adolescent to be someone between 10 to 19 years old, while some countries may have their age range for the same term. Regardless, the adolescents are chosen as the age group for this paper because it is globally considered a difficult and transitional period and comprise a large number of the human population and that they are future adult citizens.
There are many pressing needs in terms of health that must be addressed for adolescents. However, one of the most common of these are the risks of communicable diseases that pose even more exposure to young aged individuals—and, even more so, the age where reproductive health matters. Specifically, this research would like to focus on female adolescents to narrow down the subjects as well because it is the girls aged 10-19 may also be susceptible to different types of pressures, especially peer and sex-related pressures (Gupta et al., 2004; Samkange-Zeeb et al., 2011). In addition, Skolnik (2016) also revealed in Chapter 11 that four of the leading deaths for the adolescent period are communicable diseases—and I would like to specifically discuss more on sexually transmitted diseases (STD), which pose a serious hazard in the reproductive health of teenagers, too.
Exploring this topic is also relevant, interesting, and timely because it is not merely a problem of one culture or even one time. For example, it is mentioned in the study by Gupta et al. (2004) how female adolescents in India also encounter the same problem—and it is not true that STDs and other related communicable diseases are merely a problem of adolescents in developing countries. This is proven in the separate article by Samkange-Zeeb et al. (2011), where they made a scholarly discoursed on the same topic in European subjects.
Every global health concern is undeniably challenging to address, but it is not entirely impossible, provided the solutions are fitting to the problems being solved. There are numerous interventions to help against communicable diseases among female adolescents. The continuation of this paper aims to weigh all of these—with a strong focus on raising awareness through campaigns, programs, and seminars.
Why it is a Global Issue
According to WHO, more than 1 million STIs are acquired every day. More than 500 million people live with genital HSV, and over 300 million women have an HPV infection, which is the primary cause of cervical cancer (WHO, 2019). The highest age group is 20-24 years, followed by 15- 19. 988 000 pregnant women were infected with syphilis in 2016, resulting in over 350 000 adverse birth outcomes in...
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