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Business & Marketing
Research Paper
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Business Formation Project

Research Paper Instructions:

Project Overview
When creating a business, a person must consider a number of different factors which is what you will need to critically analyze. To complete this assignment, refer back to your business formation paperwork and overview from Module 6. This assessment will allow you to take a deeper dive into considerations for your business.
Write a paper that 1) provides details on the business you are going to have, 2) explains why you chose the business structure that you did, 3) explains ethical dilemmas you may encounter in starting this business, and 4) discusses potential legal issues of which you must remain aware. A complete analysis of potential legal issues will explain what the potential legal issue is, when it might occur, how you could keep the legal issue from happening, and the consequences (i.e. legal, financial, etc.) of failing to identifying the problem before it occurs.
For details on your business, be sure to include the following:
Business name
Legal structure (sole proprietorship, LLC, S Corporation, or partnership)
Mission statement
Description of products and services and how they meet the needs of the marketplace
Target market (who will buy your product or services)
Competitive advantage (what sets you apart in the marketplace to allow you to succeed)
Objectives and goals (plans for growth)
Your paper should use a 12 point font, a minimum of 4-6 pages, be double spaced, and use APA formatting to cite references on the last page of your assignment (if you use any external sources). It should be submitted as a Word or PDF document.
Remember that you are being graded on the number of potential legal issues that you can identify.
This is part 2 of the last assignment

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Business Formation Project
Name Course Instructor Date
Business details
Gateway Center Foods is a food and grocery store that sells fruits and vegetables and common and meat, fish, and poultry. This is a sole proprietorship where there is an owner, family owners help run the business, and so are the employees. The business would serve residents and visitors of Franklin, Indiana. The mission is to bring health to people by providing fruit and vegetables that help meet their nutritional needs. This arises from the need to have more food choices on the market in a location that is easily accessible to all. The business will provide high-quality food, and the staff members are friendly to all customers and assist them where necessary. Generating trust with customers is essential for business growth and attracting new customers.
There is an option for consumers to purchase organic foods. However, when comparing organic products with those produced with chemicals, there is no consideration of their physical appearance. As such, many people do not understand the difference or value of the meaning of organic. On the contrary, if consumers understand the differences, including the prices between organic products and the others, they are more willing to pay for more.
While Franklin is not a big city, it is conducive for families who are the target audience. The median income for individuals and households is higher than in Indianapolis. There is a growing demand for food and grocery shops in the community in convenient locations. Getting access to locally grown produce will make it easier to meet the business needs, and there will be various product selections. Besides the location is one of the factors that g enhance competitiveness, there is community support for more food and grocery stores serving the residents.
Business structure
That there is no legal structure that works for all businesses and one needs to evaluate advantages and disadvantages. The sole proprietorship is the simplest form of legal structure for businesses. The sole proprietorship structure is one that allows me to achieve my personal and business financial goals. When considering the formalities and expenses involved in establishing and maintaining the legal structure, there are few requirements there is the option to change the business legal structure over time. Businesses that start out as sole proprietorships with lower startup costs and opting for other structures allow the business owners to protect personal assets and invest in the business.
Ethical dilemmas in s...
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