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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Research Paper
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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History of Using Caenorhabditis elegans in Biological Research

Research Paper Instructions:

Research in the scientific literature and write a multi-paragraph paper about C. elegans as animal model for Biology and Medicine. References should be in APA format. You do not need in-text citations, only at the end of the document.
Some of the topics to discuss:
History of using C. elegans in biological research
Characteristics that make it a good animal model
Mentions some of the disadvantages
Mention 2 human conditions successfully modeled in C. elegans. Explain how C. elegans was used to study those diseases and briefly describe those studies.

Research Paper Sample Content Preview:

Caenorhabditis elegans commonly referred to as C. elegans is a probiotic nematode breed that has always been illustrated as dwelling in soil and leaf-litter surroundings in most parts of the universe. The contemporary analysis shows that earthly gastropods always carry it along with other small creatures in the soil environment. Even though scientific reports on the breed have researched for more than a century, the publishing of Brenner's formative genetics paper gestured its emergence as a significant examination model. Work with the C. elegans has since resulted in a short period to formative findings in neuroscience, establishment, signal transduction, cell death, waning along with RNA involvement. The achievement of C. elegans as a model has enticed raised concerns and in areas of biomedical and ecological toxicology.
History of Using C. elegans in biological research
The worm C. elegans was at first examined in the laboratory by Victor Nigon along with Ellsworth Dougherty around the 1940s. However, it gained momentum after Sydney Brenner embraced it in the year 1963 as a model animal for the analysis of experimental biology utilizing congenital traits. In the year 1974, Brenner issued the outcomes of his initial chromosomal screen, which separated numerous mutants with morphological and functional compositions like being clumsy. In the 1980s, John Sulston and his colleagues determined the lineage of the entire 959 cells in a mature hermaphrodite, the initial genes were duplicated, and the physical map started to be developed. In 1998, the worm was identified as the first multi-cellular creature to have its genome isolated. Outstanding analysis utilizing C. elegans include the findings of caspases, RNA intervention along with microRNAs.
Characteristics that make C. elegans a good Animal model
C.elegans comprises numer...
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