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Literature & Language
Movie Review
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The Terrorizers by Edward Yang

Movie Review Instructions:

Review the sequence from "The Terrorizers" in the following link. Write 300 words to analyze this sequence. Discuss in the first half of your answer the various aspects of its film language that are visible and important (Consult the section on "Taking Notes" in the chapter from A Short Guide to Writing about Film, which has been uploaded onto Canvas "Files"). In the second half of your answer, discuss what meaning(s) does this sequence pose by relating this section to other moments in the film (Consult the sections on "Subject and Meaning" and "Silent Dialogue: Talking Back to the Movies" from the chapter from A Short Guide to Writing about Film). Please do a "gallery walk" to review your classmates' posts in your learning community.

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The Terrorizers by Edward Yang
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The Terrorizers by Edward Yang
Edward Yang’s film, “The Terrorizers” is a masterpiece that reflects a newly emerging Taiwan which is swayed by globalization and money. “The Terrorizers” shows close interactions between three different types of groups in Taipei. The first group is a novelist wife and a mainlander doctor. Another group is a gang of native Taiwanese criminals and a young woman. The last group is a photographer who observes the city’s life unfolding around him. The movie review discusses the various aspects of the film language and the meaning the sequence poses by relating different moments in the film.
The film contains a rich language of its own. Each character shows unique performance aspects. First, the film has no English support label but displays Japanese subtitles. It also utilizes certain innovative cinematic language aspects to engender women’s idealism or perspectives to showcase male voyeurism and displays criticism of neoliberal capitalism's impact in Taipei. Edward Yang handles the visual and aural cues skillfully (Yang, 1986). In "The Terrorizers," each cinematic image has a meaning of its own, and sound plays a crucial role in exaggerating, complementing, or supporting visual images (Yang, 1986). In essence, the abstract depicted in both silence...
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