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Movie Review
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Critical Response to "Girlfriends" by Claudia Weill

Movie Review Instructions:

Please write a critical response to the movie Girlfriends by Claudia Weill
1.Introduce/Summarize. Demonstrate careful viewing and understanding of the assigned film by providing key contextual details about its production and distribution, and by concisely summarizing its main themes, concerns, and stylistic features.
2. Analyze. Closely examine just one element of the film using illustrative examples or—in the case of script analysis—direct quotes that you fully contextualize and analyze. Remember that there are many potential elements besides the script to analyze in a film, including the scenic design, the sound design, the costume design, the lighting design, the cinematography, the editing, the actors' performances, and so on. If you've studied film in previous classes and know filmmaking terminology, you're welcome to use it, but what's most important is that you're able to analyze the film in your own words.
3. Respond. Share your opinion of the film, based on your own subjective viewing, and reflect on the relative effectiveness of the artist’s aesthetic choices in conveying ideas, telling a story, and/or evoking an atmosphere. If the film reminded you of material you'd previously encountered—including course readings or other films—or in some way spoke to your personal experience, you're welcome to draw connections to these. You're also welcome to include relevant details or quotes from the supplemental interviews/articles assigned with the films. Just be careful not to spin off on a tangent that pulls too much focus away from the film, which is the subject of your response.

Movie Review Sample Content Preview:

Critical Response to the Movie Girlfriends
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The movie “Girlfriends” was directed by Claudia Weill that had a portrayal of feminist appeal. It shows the sweat, tears, and triumph of a woman while having male characters on the side. The film tells the story about the relationships of Susan (Melanie Mayron) and Anne (Anita Skinner). Both had their own personal issues, Susan, about her efforts to live alone while striving to find a job, and Anne, about the hardships of being in a family while studying; but the main point of the movie is about maintain their relationship with each other. The film had multiple themes as it progresses. First, the film emphasizes the struggles and accomplishments of being a strong independent woman. Next, the film shows the strong relationships between women and how men affect their relationships. Then, the film talks about the assertion of the roles of women in the choice of profession.
Towards the end of the movie, Anne was seen saying to her child, "how would you like a little brother or sister". Then, at the last part of the film, Susan walks into a darkened room setting the mood foreshadowing a tragic event. Susan walks into the room and found Anne. After some small talk Anne said, "I had an Abortion this morning, He doesn’t know." This moment struck me the hardest. The first line by Anne was really reassuring that she wants to have another baby. This particular line brings the expectations of the viewers towards Anne having a baby but it was really used to misdirect the final twist that the director had in mind. The “I had an Ab...
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