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Foundational Aspects of Christianity

Essay Instructions:

Foundational Aspects of Christianity 


In this assignment, you describe 6 Foundational aspects of Christianity 

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Foundation Aspects of Christianity
Student’s First Name, Middle Initial(s), Last Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Number and Name
Instructor’s Name and Title
Assignment Due Date
Foundation Aspects of Christianity
Religion Name
1 Ethical systems
Describe two primary distinguishing ethical tenets or rules observed by the religion
Christianity is founded principally on tenets such as the love of God and others, as described in the book of Mark 12:29-31 (King James Version) in the Bible. First, Christians must express love for God with all their heart, mind, soul, and strength. The second principle ethical duty is to love their neighbor as much as they love themselves.
2 Founder/venerated ancestor
Describe the founder. If there is no founder, describe how the religion originated
Christianity perpetuates a spiritual tradition focused on the character of Jesus Christ. Specifically, Christian values stem from the life, teachings, and ultimate death of Jesus. The faith considers Jesus to have been appointed by God to lead his people towards salvation.
3 God(s)/Deities/Spirits
Describe the principle god(s), deities and or spirits
The principle god in Christianity is embodied in the idea of the Holy Trinity. This trinity is includes God the Father, Jesus the son, and the ho...
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