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Dialogue Paper: Moral And Ethical Considerations

Essay Instructions:

Requires you to conduct a philosophical dialogue with a member of the larger community. You must find someone outside of the campus community to talk with. The dialogue project will culminate in a written paper/evaluation (minimum 1,000 words—formal writing requirements apply).

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Name: Course: Professor: Date Dialogue Paper There are specific sets of principles that guide our conduct; these sets of ethical guidelines help us distinguish between morally acceptable behaviors from unacceptable behavior. We use these principles to evaluate and make appropriate decisions. At some point in our life, we are faced with ethical choices that seem complicated, but our decisions are mostly guided by both our personal and professional values. Personal and professional values play a vital role in decision making; therefore, it's important to understand some of the contemporary ethical issues. Dialogue is an important process because dialogues reveal how both moral and ethical values are important in determining what is right and wrong based indivi...
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