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U.S. and China have been in a trade dispute since 2018. Business Essay

Essay Instructions:

A.What are the main complaints of the United States against China?
B.What are the main complaints of China against the U.S.?
C.Are tariffs the optimal way to resolve their trade dispute? Why? If not what alternative actions would you suggest each country take?

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US and China trade dispute
A. What are the main complaints of the United States against China?
US President Donald Trump highlighted that China engaged in unfair economic and trade practices that were hurting the US. One of these practices is dumping, where Chinese products are priced below the current market price, and this makes US products uncompetitive. Another issue is that the Chinese government provided huge subsidies to Chinese governments that gave them competitive advantages over US producers. The Chinese authorities also discriminate and penalize US products, such as semiconductor producers. There were also concerns about the theft of intellectual property by Chinese firms and failure to protect American intangible assets (Yu 1130). The World Trade Organization (WTO) protects intellectual property and helps in resolving trade disputes between members.
The US foreign trade deficit against China has grown over time where the balance of imports has been higher than exports, partly because of the unfair business practices and undervaluation of the Yuan currency. Chinese goods are cheaper in the international market as Chinese firms, and to the US authorities, the firms have an unfair advantage at the expense of US products in the home market and the foreign markets. China has also undervalued Yuan, which makes Chinese exports cheaper than US goods. Trump imposed various tariffs on imports that directly affect China's products, such as steel, to promote domestic production in the US and boost the demand for locally made products.
B. What are the main complaints of China against the US?
To Chinese authorities, the Trump Administration has unfairly targeted Chinese companies and making it difficult to do business in the US, yet these companies operate in other countries. The total volume of trade between the US and China in terms of exports plus imports has been in China's favor after...
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