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Business & Marketing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Marketing was a Good Force for Society During and Since COVID-19

Essay Instructions:

Maximum Word Length: 3000

Unless otherwise specified, the word count is for the main body of the text and ignores the reference list and appendices.  If you exceed the word length you will be penalised.  For details see the Management School Handbooks.

Please note that SUMS does not have a word count tolerance - it is a stated maximum as outlined above. 

Requirements: The Covid-19 pandemic has clearly and significantly impacted just about every aspect of society around the world. From physical and mental health, to education, employment, social care, housing, poverty, food distribution, financial security, economic growth, the environment and beyond, the vulnerability of individuals, groups, social structures, political systems and natural environments has been brought into sharp relief during the last 12 months. Against this background, your assignment task is to:

Critically discuss whether and how marketing has been a force for good in society in during the Covid-19 pandemic to date (i.e. since March 2020).

IMPORTANT: You must explain and justify your arguments with reference to:

i)                   real world examples;

ii)                 academic theory, concepts, literature and/or research covered in the lectures and associated readings for this course (clearly citing and referencing these in your work); and

iii)               data, information and insights drawn from publicly available sources, where possible (clearly citing and referencing these in your work) 

Further guidance on your assignment

This individual assessment builds upon the knowledge and skills gained across the module. In writing your answer, you should seek to consider the range of topics that have been covered in the course and aim to showcase your knowledge and understanding of these. This might be most easily achieved by allowing yourself to take a broad view of marketing practice, and thus drawing on a wide range of examples rather than constraining your discussion to a particular organisation, industry or case study. However, if you feel you can identify a small number of detailed case examples that allow you to discuss how marketing has/can impact society in a range of ways (positive and negative), then you are welcome to focus your essay in this way if you wish.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Name of Student
Name of Professor
Marketing was a Good Force for Society During and Since COVID-19
Marketing is one of the most important functions in a business due to its implication for success, value creation, and profitability. Marketing encompasses tools, techniques, and strategies designed to create consumer awareness of the products and services. The main purpose of marketing is to propel business growth, attract and retain customers, and match products to the needs of consumers. A business can also pursue goals like customer satisfaction, experience, and loyalty through marketing. Even though most marketing goals are oriented toward business interests, marketing activities can also benefit or adversely affect society. For example, marketing can drive informed spending to fuel a thriving society on the one hand.
On the other hand, marketing can promote consumerism and other consumer behaviors that undermine sustainability. COVID-19 presents a perfect scenario to assess the benefits and drawbacks of marketing. By supporting business continuity, innovating to offer alternatives, and embracing sustainability, marketing has been a force for good in society during the COVID-19 pandemic as it eased the adverse effects of the pandemic and facilitated a quick recovery.
Boom in E-Commerce and Social Media Marketing
Marketing drives competition, which in turn drives innovation. The ability of marketers to innovate and provide alternative products or alternate delivery methods eased the challenges posed by the pandemic. The COVID-19 period can be regarded as the most technologically innovative. Even though many innovations had existed before the pandemic, most experienced the highest acceptance rate by businesses and consumers during this period. Examples include social media, social media analytics, artificial intelligence, and ecommerce. Today's internet usage comprises social media applications (Holsapple, et al., 2018). The use of social media marketing rose significantly during the pandemic. The rationale is that COVID-19 fundamentally changed consumer behaviors, and firms needed to adjust their communication strategies to revive dwindling businesses. For example, the travel industry witnessed massive cancellations due to fear and uncertainty. Many airlines resorted to social media to respond to user inquiries, relate to clientele, and maintain high levels of brand engagement (Prados-Pena et al., 2022). Many firms experienced positive changes after increasing social media marketing, and many managed to remain afloat.
           Other technologies witnessed similar shifts in usage, including artificial intelligence (AI). Advances in natural language processing have produced smart machines that can read and derive meaning from human language (Israel and Amer, 2022). In marketing, AI is often used to boost sales through such applications as tele-conversations and advanced voice analysis (Guha et al., 2021). The COVID-19 pandemic forced many businesses to accelerate the adoption of AI. Recent survey statistics indicated that 55% of companies accelerated their AI st...
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