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Organizational factors Social Sciences Essay Paper

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Institutional Affiliation
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Organizational factors not only affect the business components within the organization, but also the human elements. For instance, the characteristics of the work environment may influence employee morale inducing diverse consequences on the employee and the organization’s productivity. According to Shropshire and Sweeney (2017), employee morale is an outcome of various intrinsic elements, subject to the employee’s interpretation. Therefore, when an employee has a negative or positive perception of particular organizational factors, their morale would decrease and increase, respectively (Shropshire & Sweeney, 2017). A decline in employee morale reduces the individual’s quantitative performance. Here, quantitative performance relates to outcomes of productivity and the quality of employee’s output (Shropshire & Sweeney, 2017). To counter a decline in employee morale, it is important to consider the impact of applying the principles of the Christian worldview. In particular, Christian values emphasize care, acceptance, and love in serving others (Rynerson, 2013). In this way, employees with Christian worldwide promote a culture of affection, improving the constructs of morale.
Coaching Model on Conflicts
Work environments are complex, and often, these complexities result in conflicts. As such, contemporary organizations recognize effective leadership as a fundamental requirement to meet organizational demands (Carey et al., 2011). To this end, professional coaching has become vital, especially in enhancing strategic approaches to resolving conflicts (Carey et al., 2011). In particular, coaching stimulates reflective reasoning and questioning to provide insight and understanding. Here, understanding relates to an individual’s emotional intelligence (EI), defined as the capability of recognizing and managing one’s emotions and those of others (Carey et al., 2011). As such, coaching for improved EI provides emotional competence to improve acceptance and achieve effective solutions to conflicts (Carey et al., 2011; Peltier, 2011). Moreover, by observing the elements in the coaching models, conflict parties avoid judgment and apply integrity to resolve con...
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