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Icíar Bollaín’s Even the Rain Social Sciences Essay

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RELATED WORK: Icíar Bollaín’s Even the Rain
Examine the long-lasting effects of political violence (how a traumatic past affects the present) in a particular setting. You can use one of the examples covered in class (colonialism in Africa, slavery in USA, fascism in Europe, dictatorships in South America, or civil wars in Central America) and related works that we have studied (such as Atom Egoyan’s Ararat, Patricio Guzmán’s Nostalgia for the light, Icíar Bollaín’s Even the Rain, Art Spiegelman’s Maus) or any other works or contexts of your own interest.
The answers should be well-organized. The ideas are presented in a clear and logical manner, and the arguments are well supported. There are no spelling or grammatical errors, and the writing is clear and effective.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Iciar Bollain's Even the Rain
Iciar Bollain's Even the Rain
In Even the Rain, Iciar Bollain offers an understanding of her country's past and the correlation with the current neocolonial practices. The social realist discourse proves that although Hispaniola might have overcome the colonial period in the past, it has not yet attained definite freedom. The film shows that the island is battling economic, political, and social issues that could iterate to colonization (Wheeler, 2019). It has experienced tremendous pressure and control, with the prevailing circumstance correlating with the colonization by the Americas. Who would think that colonization would still prevail even after centuries of winning and revival from the settlers? The transnational film even the rain reveals a refashioning of the period. The screen presentations prove a rewinding of the past events, and how the Hispaniolans suffered during colonization after the arrival of Christopher Columbus in 1942 (wheeler, 2019). Could the entry of colonizers have started or put in motion some long-term effects such as oppression of the natives? Well, this could be true as is shown in the film. However, the profound pressure in the present times is not generally from outside forces. The failure in the political stability of the country must have yielded the control. The power of control does not only affect countries but also any other weak institutions in society and even people in the community. In the long term, the advent of political violence and differences could result in the long term effects such as a decline in power and economic progress in the affected countries.
Colonization occurs in the discovery of a new world, but with various crises on the community under control. Most of the people's property goes to the settlers. Their social life and interactions are limited to what the individual in power thinks is the best or is acceptable in their culture. Although colonization results in economic growth as the settlers seek the resources from the colonies, the people under power have to work towards the anticipated development as slaves (Iweriebor, 2011). The affected populations may live with the trauma for the rest of their lives since they work without pay, for long hours and end up benefitting nothing apart from the waste of the time and their bodies. Working in harsh conditions leads to health problems in the colonies' population (Iweriebor, 2011). In most cases, the contacted ailments can be transferred to the coming generations through their adoption into what their parents used to do under the past control. Wheeler (2019) argues that the historical context is then recorded and presented to the future when the current generations scramble over issues such as property due to the distraction caused by the ...
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