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HLS 615 Written 3 Homeland Security

Essay Instructions:

Audit and identity three (3) three websites associated with organized hate crime terrorism and explain how these sites are used by adversaries. Provide a profile of (3) websites that can be used as investigative tools to provide insight for the intelligence community.

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Institution of affiliation
HLS 615 Written 3
The United Nations defines a hate crime as a bias-motivated crime; here the perpetrator of the crime targets an individual due to the individual belonging to a defined social group CITATION Hum11 \l 1033 (Human Rights Council - United Nations, 2011). The crime is often premeditated and designed to humiliate the victim due to the latter's membership to the social group e.g. Race, Sexual Orientation, Religion, etc. The UN further notes that hate crimes are on the rise fuelled by intolerance, bigotry and a general lack of information CITATION Uni11 \l 1033 ( United Nations, 2011). A major example of a hate crime is the Killing of the Jews in Nazi Germany by Hitler's forces CITATION Uni16 \l 1033 (United States Holocaust Museum, 2016). However, the genocide of over one million Jews was not as a result of many unrelated incidences. Rather there was a concerted effort to murder the Jews. This is what is referred to as an organized hate crime. A crime that apart from being pre-meditated and prejudiced against the victim, also features an element of organizational structure and is carried out by an organization that creates the capability to carry out acts of violence against the victims.
Hate crime is particularly dangerous due to the psychological impacts it has on the targeted individuals or group. It creates an environment of terror in the targeted group. Its economic consequences are significant as the targeted group diverts funds that would otherwise be used for economic purposed to security purposed. Hate crime creates division in an otherwise harmonious society resulting in the rise of factions. The result can be catastrophic such as the 1994 Rwanda Genocide CITATION Mar \l 1033 (Haperen). Organized hate crime adds to the capacity of hate crime to inflict harm. An organization provides the mechanism to increase the productivity of a group. Thus, an organized hate crime is catapulted by metamorphosing into an organized hate crime. The paper attempts to discuss the phenomenon of organized hate crime at length. In doing so, the paper will identify and audit three websites that are associate with hate crime terrorism. The paper will also identify three websites and determine ways through which they can be used as investigative tools for the intelligence community.
Hate Crime Websites
The Paper identified three websites that propagate hate crime in their articles. These websites are profoundly anti-gay, anti-muslin, support white supremacy. The websites are, however, careful not to write articles that out rightly support crime. The websites exercisetheir rights within the Constitution and their freedom of speech, thoughts and opinion rights. The websites are;,, and works to reestablish white supremacy. The website does this by writing articles that attempt to change the mindset of visitors to the website. The website asserts that there is a need to establish a nation of pure whites to defend the race from extinction. The website also asserts that the creation of a pure white nation would protect other races from domination by whites. The site notes that the creation of...
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