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Future Challenges and Technology. Social Sciences Essay

Essay Instructions:

Write a 700- to 1,050-word paper. In your paper address the following:
Describe challenges the field of policing will face in the future. Provide examples.
Explain how community relations impact the challenges police officers face.
What new technology can be used in policing in the future and how? Provide examples.
Include two academic resources outside of your textbook in your presentation.

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Future Challenges and Technology
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Future Challenges and Technology
Policing has become far more complicated than it was several decades or years ago. This is because criminals and other wrongdoers are turning to sophisticated methods to commit crimes. However, effective policing means that different law enforcement agencies have to become adept at the newly arising challenges. Like all other organizations, stakeholders in various policing agencies are required to find a balance between constancy and predictability with adaptation and change. Despite the need to adapt to the new challenges, law enforcers tend to recognize that their activities are guided by a certain level of fluid context (Göbölös-Zalai, 2018). They also understand the need to adapt and evolve for them to remain effective in the ever-changing world. In this sense, it is expected that the field of policing will face several new challenges in the future.
In recent years, there has been a rise in ways of how crimes and other wrong s are conducted in societies. As a result, future police and law enforcement officers will need to establish new ways to address the challenges and hold criminals and wrongdoers responsible for their activities. Some of the possible future challenges in policing include:
* Exploitation of Artificial Intelligence by criminals. Some future technologies will play a part in crime prevention as well as promoting potential crimes. For example, one of the AI technologies that criminals will likely exploit is identity forgery. AI methods can generate voices from targets when given a sample, especially when integrated with a synthesized video of the target speaking (Schafer & Glenn, 2020). This is a likely method criminals will use to conducting fraud and inciting hate crimes. More so, the development of driverless automobiles may result in criminals and terrorists using robots to attack properties and human beings. As such, the continued growth in AI technologies is likely to pose challenges for future policing.
* A globalized world and economy. The world is moving towards a situation whereby the movement of goods and people across different parts of the world is easy. However, these cheaper movements will also create opportunities for illegal economies and activities. In this policing, personnel will have to deal with criminals from their countries and others moving from foreign nations (Göbölös-Zalai, 2018).
* Climate change. Most parts of the world are continuing to deal with different impacts of climate change. It is expected that extreme weather conditions are likely to create extra workloads for policing agencies. For example, events of incr...
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