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Psychology Essay: The Importance Of Child And Adolescent Psychology On Development

Essay Instructions:

Child and Adolescent Development

Write a 500-750-word paper discussing the importance of child and adolescent psychology on development. Address the following in your paper:
1 - Discuss how the study of child and adolescent development has changed over time.
2 - Describe the five theoretical perspectives, including the major theorists associated with each.
Include at least two scholarly resources, in addition to the textbook, in your paper.
Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.
This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.
You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. Refer to the LopesWrite Technical Support articles for assistance.
Read Chapters 1 and 2 in A Child's World: Infancy Through Adolescence.
Martorell, G., Papalia, D., & Feldman, R. (2013). A child’s world: Infancy through adolescence (13th ed.). New York, NY: McGraw-Hill Education. ISBN-13: 9780078035432
I have attached a copy of the tables demonstrating the five theoretical perspectives including the major theorists associated with each to help you form a 750-word (max) paper.
Please let me know if you have any further questions.

Essay Sample Content Preview:

The Importance Of Child And Adolescent Psychology On Development
The Importance Of Child And Adolescent Psychology On Development
Children and adolescents are not short or smaller representations of adults. The population is comprised of qualitatively different people on a certain level of growth and development, requiring attention and care for excellent adulthood. In this case, understanding that they have physical, psychological, and social needs that need to be met results in healthy growth and development (Sheehan et al., 2017). The type of intervention by parents and the family at large plays an important role in the life of children and adolescents. According to Sheehan et al. (2017), the people around children and adolescents should monitor the extent to which they engage with the population to enhance substantial interaction impacting positive growth and development. Any negative force such conflicts have long-lasting effects on children and adolescents, and they determine and impact their adult life significantly. Thus, the population desires care and protection from parents or caregivers from infancy, through adolescence to adulthood.
1 Discuss how the study of child and adolescent development has changed over time.
The challenges children and adolescents face change with each generation. Understanding these changes makes it easier for parents, families, and society as a whole to understand ways they can positively influence children and adolescents. This has, therefore, challenged or forced the adoption of different ways that can help ensure the progressive study of their growth and development. According to Crosnoe & Johnson (2011), the new and improved research and methodological methods have impacted distinct study on the groups. This action has enhanced justice in the theoretical models used in studying the population. Therefore, most of the study on child and adolescent development covers a wide range of aspects surrounding their lives to ensure efficacy. The modern institutionalized study includes many issues surrounding child and adolescents’ physical, psychological, interpersonal, and institutional developments (Crosnoe & Johnson, 2011). Also, general research is formulated to meet the modern stratification of the populations’ needs.
However, the changes in the modern study may require significant incarnation of the past practices to create logic and understanding of the reason for the realized changes. Although the historical do not affect the current studies, they create a pathway for the incurred changes and the significance of the arising research perspectives. Thus, the new and future study bases research on the future challenges and opportunities, including and not limited to biosocial procedures, linking of adolescents to the lifestyles in the upcoming stages, and accounting for the impact of the major social changes in their lives (Crosnoe & Johnson, 2011). The engagement in the current and future studies circulates around the child and adolescent social involvements...
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