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Kiroran Restaurant Management Essay Research Paper

Essay Instructions:

This is a Management Elective Organizational developing/Management Consulting of group work of OD Consulting Paper.My part is History or Critical Events Questions. Five out of five questions KIRORAN RESTAURANT Interview with the boss. Another attachment is my last year OM Class paper It is also a research paper for this restaurant.
The missing information in the content can be made up by the writers themselves. But do not make too much discrepancy between the main contents.


OD Consulting 413 – Mid Term Assignment – Part #1 – Assessing the Client’s Needs



Each team must select an organization to consult with.  It has to be an organization of one of the team members.  A meeting must be set with the leader of the organization to conduct a needs assessment.  Every team member must be present during the assessment and each team member ask assessment questions. Set up the meeting with the leader and let them know that you will be their OD consultant and would like to assess their current needs so you can assist them with recommendations for addressing their current OD needs. The interview should take 1-1/2 hours.

 Below are a series of assessment questions.  Ask all the questions in the Background section, 5 in challenge section and 3 in history and at least 3 in benefits. Take detailed notes of the Leaders responses. Probe. Ask follow-up questions to get detailed information from your client. Summaries the facts/responses in a 3-6-page paper to be presented as part one of the mid term assignment.  The paper should include Interview Plan: intro to client, which should include purpose of meeting, interview process, data analysis process and expected outcome. Please submit questions with summaries and names of all team members on one paper.  Part 2 of the assignment will be to diagnosis feedback and make recommendations for change to your client.


Sample Questions

Background questions:

  1. What is the mission/vision of the organization?
  2. What is the purpose of the organization?
  3. What value is fundamental and distinctive to this organization since its founding?
  4. What are some successes of the company over the last years?
  5. What are some of the company’s goals over the next year or two?
  6. What is the company doing today that is working well?
  7. Are there any areas where you see room for improvement?
  8. What are some changes the company has made in the last 5 years that have had a positive impact?
  9. What are some changes the company has made in the past 1-2 years that have had a negative impact?

10.  Describe the company’s growth over the last 5 years?

11.  What has kept this company successful over the past 5 years?

12.  What would customers say about the company today different from the past 5 years?


Challenge Questions:

  1. What are some the challenges that you are currently facing or see yourself facing in the future?
  2. What do you find most challenging when trying to deal with the challenges?
  3. When did you start experiencing these challenges?
  4. Prioritize the challenges based on importance.
  5. Which challenges are most important for you and the company to solve right now?
  6. What makes these challenges so important to solve?
  7. What is the impact of these challenges?
  8. Have you tried to address these challenges in the past?  What was done?  What was outcome?
  9. What do you think needs to be done to address these challenges?

10.  Who has been mostly impacted by these challenges (customers, employees etc.)?


History or Critical Events Questions: 

  1. What going on in the industry that will impact your organization today?
  2. What changes in the industry have impacted your business?
  3. What’s going on today in the organization that might impact you making any changes?
  4. Who might create obstacles to any changes?
  5. What was successful in the past that is not being done today?


A few months ago, the next door Hmart (Asian Supermarket) was relocated. Resulting in a significant reduction in number of customers. However, our orders in Uber Eat and DoorDash have increased.


I closed the KIRORAN RESTAURANT last week due to the rapid development of novel coronavirus in the United States. Because most of the customers who come to the restaurant are Chinese. The Chinese take covid-19 more seriously than native americans. This leads to eat-in basic no customers to patronize, delivery orders also significantly reduced. On the other hand, I am also out of consideration for my personal and staff life safety. That’s two points are the reason why I closed restaurant. 


Now it's hard time for kiroran. Although the store is closed, as a boss I still have to pay rent and staff salaries. The cash on my account doesn't support me to close my shop for a long time. The Coronavirus will lead to KIRORAN's long-term loss or even bankruptcy.



Benefit / Cost Questions:

  1. If you solved your challenges today how much revenue would you gain?
  2. How will your expenses be reduced when these challenges go away?
  3. How much will it cost to make these changes?
  4. How many resources will you need to allocate to address these challenges?
  5. How long will it take to see the benefits of the changes made?












Essay Sample Content Preview:

Kiroran Restaurant
1 What going on in the industry that will impact your organization today?
The outbreak of the coronavirus has made restaurants and tourism industries make losses over the past two months. The outbreak of the coronavirus has forced people to stay at home. Travelling has been canceled by the government ( Selvam, Waxman & Mai, 2020). People have also been asked to avoid public gatherings. Since the majority of the customers were Chinese, sales have reduced because people are no longer taking orders.
2 What changes in the industry have impacted your business?
Today, customers like using social media to find restaurants. The use of social media sites like Instagram, Facebook, and Twitter has influenced what people eat and where they can eat. After the outbreak of Covid-19, restaurants have been closed down. Additionally, the number of orders and deliveries a restaurant is supposed to make has been limited by the government. Customers are also not allowed in the dining rooms and bars.
3 What’s going on today in the organization that might impact you making any changes?
Reduction in the sales made has severe effects on some of the chan...
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