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Review about zero tolerance. Literature & Language Essay

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write a short review and feeling about the documentary above.

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It's not the best episode that FrontLine has featured, but it certainly stirs up some very important issues that society is facing right now. It is simple and direct to the point about how Trump’s regime is established, by pointing the blame of economic decline to immigration. Yet, my response, more than the frightfulness that I felt at that point, was that I was unable to accept how late this was nevertheless to what extent prior it appeared, back to when the large names and faces of the new organization were any semblance of Steve Bannon and Jeff Sessions. The film advises us that even before Trump, Bannon and a portion of the different xenophobes had utilized dread of black Americans, other minorities, and displaced people to assume control over the GOP, beginning with the 2014 ouster of House Majority Leader Eric Cantor in a Virginia Republican essential by the already obscure Dave Brat, showing that you could assemble a crowd on the privilege by demagoguing the migration issue. Before that occurred, as indicated by the film, even Sean Hannity was "advancing," as the maxim goes, toward a progressively ope...
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