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Analysis on “Pygmalion” Literature & Language Essay

Essay Instructions:

You should use this worksheet to create an outline for your essay. Outlines do not
need to be in complete sentences. Instead, this should be a quick explanation that you
will expand on in your full-length essay. The only exception is that I do want the full
Since this is to be a 2 page paper, you will most likely want 1-2 quotes per
paragraph, but no more than that. Regardless of the number of quotes you use,
remember that each quote must include analysis that links it back to your thesis.
I. Thesis statement:
II. Topic for Paragraph 1:
a. Quote A (ACT )
i. Analysis:
b. (optional) Quote B:
i. Analysis:
III. Topic for Paragraph 2:
a. Quote A (ACT )
i. Analysis:
b. (optional) Quote B:
i. Analysis:
IV. Topic for Paragraph 3:
a. Quote A (ACT )
i. Analysis:
b. (optional) Quote B:
i. Analysis:
V. Conclusion—why does this matter?
This is link for the book https://www(dot)sparknotes(dot)com/lit/pygmalion/full-text/act-i/

Essay Sample Content Preview:

Analysis on “Pygmalion”
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Subject and Section
Professor’s Name
Date of Submission
* Thesis statement: Ancient Greek Mythology has introduced civilizations to creativity. However, creativity has always come with a price. In Greek Mythology, the Pygmalion plays as a king which governs a land where the differences in social classes are obvious. Metaphorically, the play entitled Pygmalion has revealed the disparities among the social classes in history. This paper discusses the divergence among the bourgeois and proletariat in history through an act of art.
II. Topic for Paragraph 1: The rain compels people of different social classes to interact with one another.
a. Quote A: “Late one rainy night in Covent Garden, London, a variety of pedestrians seek shelter under the portico of a church, including a wealthy woman and her daughter, Clara. The mother and daughter are waiting impatiently for Freddy, Clara's brother, to get a taxi. A bystander informs them that there probably won't be any taxis available. Freddy suddenly rushes under the portico and tells the two women that he can't find a single cab (Shaw, 2017).”
i. Analysis: This event portrays the interaction between the bourgeois who are the wealthy woman, Clara, Freddy, and the bystander who advised Freddy that this is a difficult time to find a taxi. The rain unmistakably made the situation between the two social classes distinct—that he rich are not aware of the struggles of the poor. They have always demanded that it is the poor people’s fault of not having a good life. However, when faced with a situation where they cannot hold of fate, like in the life of many poor people, the rich ca...
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