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The Plight of African-Americans in the 15th Ward

Essay Instructions:

Please read the Jalopnek piece https://jalopnik(dot)com/the-highway-was-supposed-to-save-this-city-can-tearing-1836529628
please answer the following questions:
List the groups/communities affected by this change. Be specific about where they are from. Who is involved? Where are they speaking from and who are they speaking to?

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The Plight of African-Americans in the 15th Ward
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The Plight of African-Americans in the 15th Ward
The change mainly affected the black residents who were living in the 15th Ward. By 1950, there were around 4,000 black residents who were living in the 15th Ward. One thing that stood out was racism in the manner in which resources were distributed. Even when the blacks had a chance to enjoy such resources and good roads and a clean environment, it came at a cost as it interfered with their operations. The population of black had doubled by 1960, with 8 out of every 9 blacks in the area being in Syracuse.
The blacks were African-Americans, meaning they had African origin. They were confined to one district due to racism, as opposed to accident. The community had been a Jewish community before becoming an African-American one. When the African-Americans moved to the area, it was only the Jews who were willing to rent or sell homes and land to them. How...
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