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Film analysis. Film Analysis: Mao’s Last Dancer. Literature & Language

Essay Instructions:

Watch film: Mao’s Last Dancer.
Then Introducing, analyzing, and critiquing the films.
Note: Please just write you own feelings and ask some questions about the film in the essay.

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Film Analysis: Mao’s Last Dance
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Film Analysis: Mao’s Last Dancer
Mao’s Last Dancer (2009) is an inspirational biopic film adapted from Li Cunxin’s exceptional memoir with a similar name. It is a compelling portrayal of the pursuit of artistic freedom as a ballet dancer in modern Chinese history and the qualities it takes to be free. Bruce Beresford (Australian director), Jan Sardi, and Li Cunxin (writers) adeptly unfold Cunxin’s story over two separate time frames and geographical settings. The film is dominated by various ideas and themes, including communism, culture, love, poverty, politics, and a foreigner’s struggles.
The ideas of communism and capitalism shine throughout the movie. As a child, Li Cunxin was educated to venerate the Communist Party. Though he and the other boys at the art academy are uncomfortable and wish to go home, they must practice ballet. He is surprised at how Americans can speak freely about their president without facing any repercussions. So one wonders, are the communist principles any good if they take away your freedom? Despite all the education to revere communism, the audience learns later that Li decides to stay in America. What remains on the viewer’s mind is that does this mean that Li has rejected the communist values he was taught in China?
Another major theme is the struggles of foreigners. Li faces racism while in America, when someone calls him a “chink.” But, due to language barrier, he never finds out. Ben doesn’t tell him the truth when Li asks him to explain the meaning. However, what is left unanswered is why didn’t Ben tell Li the truth about the offensive word used against him? A probable argument would be he was protecting him.
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