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Discussion: Effects of Loss in Individual Liberties

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The definition of what constitutes personal data will affect every business and organization that uses cookies on their websites, as “online identifiers” – even pseudonymous identifiers – are considered personal data under the GDPR data protection rules. Other identifiers now considered to be personal data include racial or ethnic origin, religious or philosophical beliefs, and genetic or biometric data. What does the future hold given the perceived loss of individual liberties? Who own our thoughts? You are to opine on this very vexing issue by answering the previous questions. This is a 100 Point assignment due Wednesday 5/6 (600 word minimum).

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Individual Liberties
Individual liberties refer to the freedom of people from restrictions while exercising those rights that are above the providence of law or government control. Individual liberties are as a result of or similar to Civil liberties. Civil liberties are freedoms that are subject to the law established for the good of the community. Examples of the individual liberties include Freedom of expression, Freedom of speech, Freedom of Assembly, Freedom of religion, Freedom from torture, Right to life, Right to privacy, and many others. All these liberties give us the power to act according to our feelings. They also enable people to own their thoughts and ideas.
These individual liberties add up to make personal data. Personal data is any information that relates directly or indirectly to the identity of an individual. Personal data like online identifiers and pseudonymous identifiers affects any business or any organisation that uses cookies on their websites. In some countries, personal data is under General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). GDPR is a legal body that sets guidelines for the collection and processing of personal information for people who live in the European Union (EU) (Lachaud, 2019). However, with all these emanating from individual liberties, we are facing a loss of the liberties. This is going to have an effect to all benefits that originates from the liberties mentioned earlier (Philippe Charlier, 2013).
Loss of religious freedom will affect businesses and organizations negatively. Religion affects and shapes the character of a person positively through fostering of good moral virtues. Without freedom of religion, it is likely to face; underdeveloped economy, over-regulation, several border restrictions, reduced trust, increased disputes, and high levels of corruption among others (Ferrari, 2016). Border restrictions are not favourable for expansion of businesses and organisations. Business people will be limited to their countries and will not be able transact businesses all over the world.
Trust is important for businesses to their creditors and vice versa. It is difficult to build trust where there is freedom of religion and worship. Suppliers will be reluctant to deliver goods to businesses on credit. Conflicts and violence which disrupt normalcy of economic activities may also arise where religious freedom is not upheld. Also religious restrictions build environments that are not conducive for local and foreign investments. Religion helps to build integrity within people and it may be impossible hear cases of corruption. However, the cas...
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