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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Discussion Questions: Transforming The Care Environment

Essay Instructions:

How might the concepts of Transforming Care at the Bedside improve the care in a unit with which you are familiar?
What would be the barriers to implementation of the TCAB?

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Discussion Questions
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Discussion Questions
Transforming the care environment requires active participation from a cohesive team of physicians, nurses, leaders and other staff members. Both organizational and unit culture must support everyone to participate in the development of new ideas. The primary objective of TCAB is to promote any change that occurs at the point of care and engage frontline staff members in the development of creative ideas that will improve the work processes and patient care. TCAB has five primary concepts where the change is expected; transformational leadership, safe and reliable care, patient-centred care, vitality and teamwork, and value-added work processes (Dearmon et al., 2013).
TCAB encourages the frontline staff members to come up with innovative ideas, work as a team in order to identify, implement, and test ideas that will improve the care environment (Needleman, et al., 2016). Moreover, it provides mechanisms that can be used to improve human capital of the healthcare institutions. Therefore, TCAB encourages the frontline staff members to take new roles and responsibilities making them become drivers of change in their respective units. The objective of encoura...
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