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2 pages/≈550 words
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Inclusion and Scheduling Scenario

Essay Instructions:
Assignment Content As per research, practicing inclusion in the classroom benefits all the learners, as the learners with special needs can apprehend themselves in a better way, and other learners can take advantage of some of the additional support. Imagine this scenario: You’re a teacher in a school that practices inclusion. Your class has 15 students and a teaching assistant. Within your class, there is one student who has attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), one student who has ADHD without hyperactivity (previously known as ADD), and another student who has limited mobility and is not yet walking. Choose whether your classroom from the scenario is either a preschool or kindergarten classroom. Consider what the daily schedule might look like after factoring in the age group and all of the students’ needs. Outline a daily schedule and include a rationale explaining each activity’s designated time.
Essay Sample Content Preview:
Inclusion and Scheduling Scenario Name Institution Course Code and Title Instructor Date Inclusion and Scheduling Scenario Providing an inclusive learning environment for learners is important to ensuring that all learners acquire quality education. Illustratively, the scenario provided helps ensure that no student is left behind in acquiring quality education despite their condition. Considering attention-deficit/ hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), ADHD without hyperactivity, and limited mobility, students in the fifteen students' kindergarten classroom will ensure that the activities incorporated are effective in guaranteeing inclusivity. Modifying the learning environment in the kindergarten classroom through organizing the daily schedule to incorporate the various students within the learning process. Classroom Environment Inclusivity in the learning process in the kindergarten classroom will be mainly enhanced through creating a welcoming and free-to-engage environment. Despite having differences, the fifteen kindergarten students need to understand that their differences help boost their productivity. In fact, as a teacher, developing an illustrative teaching approach based on the differences will help the students understand that even outside the classroom and later in life, the differences help unite the community (Danniels & Pyle, 2023). Creating a welcoming environment based on differences will help the students support each other within the learning process. More so, in case one of the students is feeling left out, they will speak up and ask for assistance. Consequently, all the students will experience a quality learning environment from the welcoming atmosphere created by an understanding that differences are normal. Therefore, cr...
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