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Discussion: Mental Health Issues

Essay Instructions:

The last assignment you completed a literature review about a relevant and timely issue in the field of education.( CAN THE CAMPUS CULTURE OF CREATING AWARENESS ON MENTAL HEALTH ISSUES AND SUICIDE REDUCE SUICIDE PREVALENCE RATES AMONG COLLEGE STUDENTS)? Often, research is used as the foundation to improve practice or inform educational reform efforts. Provide a short description of the issue under study( statement capitalized above) offer a brief discussion of how your research might inform your professional practice or an educational policy reform

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Discussion: Mental Health
Student’s Name
Discussion: Mental Health
Mental health issues have played a great part in increasing suicide prevalence rates among college students. College students have experienced poor health as well as low academic success as a result of increasing mental health issues (Wyatt, Oswalt, & Ochoa, 2017). Also, students lack adaptive coping skills which are essential in identifying and addressing stressors and situations that could negatively affect mental health. Further, many college students fail to access mental health services due to several barriers. These include stigmatization, limited access to healthcare services due to perceived cost constraints, and lack of support towards students with mental health issues (Vidourek & Burbage, 2019). These are factors that can be addressed if students have enough information about mental health issues and services. As such, it is important to explore whether the campus culture of creating awareness on mental health issues and suicide can address the problem ...
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