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Accounting, Finance, SPSS
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Summary related FIN faculty research. Accounting, Finance, SPSS Essay

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There are 5 links in the attachment. Please check them all.
Write a FIN summary, do critical analysis and get some reflection on these 5 faculty research material.
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Essay Sample Content Preview:

The 2016 research by Yoo & Thelen on the 2016 Presidential Election and candidates highlights that perceptions about the candidates’ character influenced decisions to choose President Trump or Hilary Clinton. Character and image then was closely tied to expectations on what each candidate would achieve, where Trump invoked sentiments of returning to a great future just like the glorious past. Low trust in government likely influenced some of the voters to back President Trump an outsider who campaigned on halting illegal immigration, deregulation, relegation the NAFTA trade agreement and bringing the government closer to the people.
There was increased institutional ownership of real estate investment trusts (REITs) before the financial crisis, but as the crisis worsened they reduced the investments, and then increased investment when there was recovery. Interests among analysts on REITs are important for the investments to attract more capital and the interest of institutional investors (Spieler, 2015). Different asset classes have different risk exposure, where REITs are illiquid when compared cash as people do not trade property often. REITs also tend to attract large investments, which affects the performance of small REITs, which attract low attention and interests from the investors.
Matching demand characteristics with the supply chain requirements is beneficial to reduce inefficiencies and meet the customer demands. In the case of NFL jersey sale determining the jerseys that are in high demand allows the manufacturers to plan and prioritize production so that the supply chain meets customer demands. However, there are anomaly events that result in unusually high demand. According to Sengupta (2019) jersey manufacturers may decide on whether to stock the generic jersey stocks from the suppliers or to focus on customized demand stock.
Professor Lopez researches, t...
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