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Social Sciences
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Terrorism: Tornado Striking Above-Ground Facilities

Coursework Instructions:

This assignment is just coursework. The answers do not have to be elaborate. They should be short and to the point. One - one and a half pages please. 
Please answer the following and cite your sources. Thanks! Please include the questions with your answers.
Name some examples of different types of natural disasters and how they impact the economic vitality of the United States. Are there any specific disaster types that concern you more than others? Why or why not?
discuss the similarities and differences associated with response and recovery efforts for disasters such as hurricanes and tornados. What are the similarities in approach to preparing population centers for these events and how do recovery efforts differ following a disaster?
what is the Incident Command System and why is it necessary to implement following a disaster? Who typically commands the incident and how can this process be improved?
discuss the National Response Framework. What is this tool and how is it implemented by the federal government when responding to a federally declared disaster?
what threats to the Homeland concern you the most and why? Are there any specific scenarios that you believe will have a severe impact on the United States in the next 10 or 20 years?
What can federal agencies and the private sector improve in order to secure cyber infrastructure? Do cyber attacks concern you more than natural disasters? Which of the two have the potential to do more damage to U.S. infrastructure?
what organizations pose a major threat to the National Security of the United States and why? Are there any groups that concern you more than others?
What can the Intelligence and Law Enforcement communities do to better protect U.S. citizens from global terror? What about today’s security posture can be improved or sustained?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Institutional Affiliation:
1 Examples of different types of natural disasters and how they impact the economic vitality of the United States
Tornado striking above-ground facilities
These disasters are considered responsible for the destruction of property and lives, a factor that points out to their economic impact in the USA (Escaleras, & Register, 2016).
2 Specific Disaster Types That of my Concern
One of the specific disaster types that are of my concern is that of flooding. These disasters are primarily caused by human activities that affect the environment.
3 Similarities and differences associated with response and recovery efforts for disasters such as hurricanes and tornados.
The similarities and differences associated with the responses and recovery efforts of different disasters help in the identification of hazard’s, the varying impacts of disasters on distinct regions and the degree of vulnerability in different countries (Escaleras, & Register, 2016). This also helps in the understanding of emergency approaches of management and human behavior is disaster prone areas.
Similarities in this case are essential since it aids in the building of disaster resilient communities and recognizes the aspect of resilience as a shared responsibility with the community (Morrison, 2015). On the other hand, a recovery effort involves the delivery of sustainable approaches of mitigating the risks endured by different areas hit by disasters and changing behavior of the population to achieve sustainability.
4 Incident Command System and why is it necessary to implement following a disaster
ICS is an incident management concept that is developed to allow respondents to adopt an organizational structure that addresses the complexities of a single or multiple incidents without any hindrances from jurisdictions (Morrison, 2015). This approach is necessary since it established several priorities especially in the safety of the bystanders, people who are involved in an incident and the emergency workers.
On the other hand, the ICI also ensures the safety and management of resources including the determination of incidents and the strategies of managing such incidents (Morrison, 2015). It is essential to consider the information officer remains the individual responsible for the release of information about an incident to the appropriate agencies. This c...
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