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Social Sciences
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.18

Assessment and Treatment Plans

Coursework Instructions:

Now that you and your team have identified Ms. Moore’s needs and strengths, you are ready to work individually with her in your role as a member of the staff of the Wallace Stevens Community Center.
Post a draft of the assessment and treatment plan that you and Ms. Moore completed together, using the form below. Use as much space as you need in the form, save it to your computer, then post it to the discussion.
The reason for posting a draft is to share information with your team mates about what you will do and what your client will do to move her toward her goals and outcomes. Posting a draft will give you and your team mates a chance to ask questions and get clarification.
*My Role: Substance Abuse Counselor
Group: B

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Assessment and Treatment Plan
Author’s Name
Institutional Affiliation
Course Code and Name
Professor’s Name

Assessment and Treatment Plan
Name: Team: Assigned Role: Substance Abuse Counselor
Client Name: Sara Moore
Purpose of Service: Assist the client to overcome depression, drinking alcohol, and secure employment.
Client Goal/Outcome: Ms. Moore wants to find a job to avoid depression so that she can afford to continue her therapy and prevent depression.
Activities/Services to Reach Goal/Outcome
I will help the client to explore different ways to get enough sleep without drinking alcohol in the first week.
My client will understand that drinking alcohol will not help her to overcome depression.
Ms. Moore will join and coordinate with a support group so that she can interact with people with similar issues to avoid being isolated by the end of week two.
My client will attend at least three meetings at the end of week three.
I will help the client to practice for interviews without getting jumpy in week four.
Since Ms. Moore is an experienced loan officer with a college degree, I will help her apply for job opportunities through networking with potential employers.
My client will attend interviews at the end of week five.
I will meet my client at the end of week six to evaluate her sleeping patterns, which I hope she would...
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