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Should Sports be Segregated by Gender?

Coursework Instructions:

Take notes on your sources, following the methods outlined in the Week 3 lecture about note-taking. For each source, note the main idea, evaluate the credibility of the author, and consider how the text relates to your topic.
Steps to Take
Draft a references page in APA format.
Include at least three sources.
After each reference entry, provide a paragraph about the source, including the following:
Summarize relevant information from the source.
Evaluate the credibility of the author.
Explain how the source relates to the position you plan to argue in your research paper.

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

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Sport is a physical activity in which people compete following a specific set of rules (Merriam-Webster). It has been played traditionally with men competing with one another and the same with women, but it has not been officially done with men and women competing together.
The body build of men and women, to the shape of the body, size of body parts, and physical strength, are very different from one another. According to Kasumovic (2014), an Evolutionary Biologist at the University of New South Wales, humans are within two extremes in mammals that mainly involve both genders' size and strength. These give importance to the aggression and dominance differences which could result in unfair competition.
Gender segregation in sports talks about one of the hottest topics, the inclusion of transgender people, especially in women’s sports. There have been situations where transgender women dominated biological women. An article by Dennis Romboy, a journalist and cyclist, talks about U.S. Senator Mike Lee’s bill and a bill in the Utah legislature that both aim to preserve women’s sports. It is argued ...
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