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Health, Medicine, Nursing
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 5.83

The Vascular Plexus and the Pterygoid Plexus of Veins

Coursework Instructions:

I will be attaching the pages from the book where the answers will be. please look at that for the information.
Answer all of the following 6 questions.
1. Define Vascular Plexus.
2. Describe the location of Pterygoid plexus of veins.
3. What is the signficance of the Pterygoid plexus of veins in dentistry?
4. What can potentially occur if this pterygoid plexus is pierced by a dental needle?
5. What can potentially occur if this pterygoid plexus is pierced by a contaminated needle?
6. Imagine your in anesthesia lab, you gave your fellow student an injection, and you noticed , extra-orally a firm mass over the infraorbital region has formed, in you mind your thinking , oh no! I caused an hematoma!
You need to think fast, your on the clock, you don't want the hematoma to get bigger and bigger and discoloration to occur in an esthetic zone, what do you do to minimize size of hematoma?

Coursework Sample Content Preview:

Head and Neck Anatomy - The Pterygoid Plexus of Veins
1. Define Vascular Plexus The vascular plexus of the head and neck are interconnected blood vessels of the arterial blood supply, capillary network and venous drainage.
2. Describe the location of Pterygoid plexus of veins.
Pterygoid plexus of veins are a network of vessels surrounded by the pterygoid muscle and surrounding the pterygoid section of the maxillary artery on the sides of the face and within the infratemporal fossa.3. What is the significance of the Pterygoid plexus of veins in dentistry?
Some segments of the pterygoid plexus of veins are near the maxillary tuberosity and are connected to other regions. The location of the pterygoid plexus and the nearby maxillary artery makes them vulnerable when pierced as blood enters the surrounding tissues. Since the pterygoid plexus surrounds the maxillary artery it is linked to other regions.
4. What can potentially occur if this pterygoid plexus is pierced by a dental needle?
The pterygoid plexus of veins is a region that can spread dental infection from th...
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