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Market Opportunities and Risks for Sainsbury’s Supermarket Plc in Singapore

Coursework Instructions:

Please use Singapore as the country and do the coursework. Read through the guide and ensure all points are followed. Must include diagrams and images in the coursework.

Coursework Brief – Sainsbury’s Supermarket Plc a major British supermarket chain has appointed you as a consultant. Once the current coronavirus pandemic is over, the company is considering investing overseas as global expansion is perceived at this time to be a potentially important element of the company’s long-term strategic goals. In particular Sainsbury’s have been looking closely for some time at a number of diverse markets including Singapore and Spain. In order to help with their decision marking, Sainsbury’s Board of Management has requested you to compile a report regarding the attractiveness of ONE of these locations based on potential return of investment. For your coursework you must evaluate the opportunities and risks presented by the given location of your choice. Based on your analysis, what would you recommend i.e. to invest or look for other options? Please ensure that you give reasons for your recommendation. Please note that you must select only ONE country to investigate. For example, do not write a report comparing the two countries. ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

Allocation of Marks • Presentation and structure (5%) • Analysis of political, economic, cultural, legal and ethical risks in the country selected (30%) • Identification and evaluation of business opportunities (30%) • Use of appropriate examples of companies to support arguments (10%) • Conclusion and recommendations based on findings. Do you recommend that the company you are representing should invest? Which market entry strategy would you propose? Ensure your findings and recommendations are consistent with the foregoing analysis (20%) • Referencing (APA 7 th should be used) (5%) ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………....

Length: Minimum 2500 words and a Maximum of 3000. References: A minimum of 10 appropriate references all of which are cited in your bibliog

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Market Opportunities and Risks for Sainsbury’s Supermarket Plc in Singapore
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Market Opportunities and Risks for Sainsbury’s Supermarket Plc in Singapore
The subsequent report presents an analysis of Singapore’s market study as part of the global expansion strategy of Sainsbury’s Supermarket Plc. The paper evaluates the opportunities and risks presented by the Singaporean market. The external market analysis of the selected country explains the political, economic, cultural, legal, and ethical risks which can affect the business. The business opportunities in any country can be identified through key market indicators, level of competition, consumer buying behaviors, and market demand. Based on the market research, the recommendations are made for Sainsbury’s Supermarket Plc to select a market entry strategy to enter Singapore.
Sainsbury’s Supermarket Plc is one of the largest and oldest supermarket chains in the U.K., established in 1869. The food retailer has its network partners all across the world. The supermarket expands internally through its product line extension. However, the increasing global competition shifted the corporate strategy towards external expansion. So the largest superstore retailer in the U.K. made several mergers and acquisition decisions in recent times, for instance, Asda. The merger decision aimed to reduce buyers’ prices (Zhang, 2021).
Analysis of Risks in Singapore
1 Political
Singapore is known as Asia’s most politically stable nation with a democratic political system. The country follows a unitary parliamentary system where the political power is regulated and held by parliament, and the president is the head of the state. However, the prime minister is the head of government responsible for making policies. The government is representative democracy ruled by the elected person (Singapore Government, 2022). The political risks in the country are very low, which makes it one of the most attractive locations for international business organizations. Singapore has been the most politically stable nation since its independence. The government formulates the most favorable business policies for the enterprises providing investment opportunities to foreign firms. However, the political leadership controls the freedom of speech by using terrorism and violence as a justification (Amnesty International, 2021). Singapore has established itself as a free market economy, a decentralized form of the economic system. Economic policies support entrepreneurship. Economic activities take place without any interference or regulation from the government; buyers and sellers regulate the market forces based on the supply and demand of the products (Forbes, 2018). The social system divides Singaporean society into five classes: fractional upper class, upper-middle class, intermediate, middle class, lower-middle class, and working-class (Robinson, 1975). The social system divides society into different classes based on income level and standard of living.
2 Economic
Singapore is a relatively small country, but it is ...
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