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2 pages/≈550 words
4 Sources
Biological & Biomedical Sciences
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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Praying Mantises and Sexual Cannibalization

Case Study Instructions:

Three website articles, and one attached pdf journal article are a MUST to incorporate.
The purpose of this assessment is to develop skills writing about science (in this case, community ecology or natural history) for the public. You will be required to produce one Raven article in this course. You will have to (a) abandon any training you have adopted to write “dry” science; (b) not be tempted to use big words that make things harder to understand, rather than easier; (c) use the first person voice; and (d), try to incorporate some humour or some familiar metaphor or analogy for people to engage with. (The first person voice used in The Raven is the “royal we” and opposed to the singular “I”; this works better to keep the writer anonymous).
Attached find an example Raven article, something that explains advanced science in an easy to understand LAY-PERSON way.
Then, using the three linked and one attached article, write a single paragraph in an INTERESTING way from the point of view of informal writing. After that one paragraph, make sure to put several jot points for what the four articles cover. The PARAGRAPH SHOULD JUST BE AN INTRODUCTION into the concept of sexual cannibalization by praying mantises, details should be in the jot notes.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
Student’s Name
Professor’s Name
Praying mantises and sexual canmnibalization-an introduction
Sexual cannibalism is a word that is uncommon to many of us humans. From many of our observations, most living organisms show love to their significant other and thus speaking about cannibalism in a relationship sounds weird, doesn’t it? Some researchers have asserted that sexual cannibalism is a strategy that some organisms use as an adaptive foraging strategy, in which females get the necessary nutrients to enhance their future fecundity. In most of the animals that exhibit this interesting behavior, males are significantly smaller than the females. Critics of this perspective have based their argument on the notion that the males’ sizes of these species too small to provide any meaningful amount of nutrients to their females. How about we consider the case of the praying mantis, in which males are large and can offer the necessary nutrients?
* While the main reason for engaging in such behavior remains a mystery, scientists have associated it with the need to boost the productivity of the female.
* However, there are also cases where males attack the females. In such a case, scientists state that the action is meant to encourage the females to mate.
* While the claims of attack are rampant, researchers have noted that it mainly affects a small portion of the males because in some cases, the males are able to contain the females and prevent them from cannibalizing on them.
* According to scientists, female praying mantis who successfully consume their mates after sex produce a larger number of eggs co...
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