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Patients with Diabetes are at Risk of Developing Hypoglycemia

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Student Name


Patient(Initials only)

Patient Medical Diagnosis

1 Diabetes
2 Hypoglycemia
3 Bipolar Disorder.

Assessment Data

Goals and Outcomes

Nursing Intervention


Outcome Evaluation and Re-evaluation

Lack of Bowel Movement associated with the disruption of gastric motility, which results from hypoglycemia.
Overweight associated with excessive glucose levels.
Rapid Speech, which is part of a manic episode caused by alterations in brain biochemistry.
Red Rash associated with a fungal infection, which is common among people with diabetes.

1. Diabetes
After eight hours of nursing intervention, the lack of bowel movement should clear.
After eight hours of nursing intervention, blood sugar levels will be normal.
3. Bipolar Disorder
After one week of nursing intervention, the patient’s skin will be free from abrasions.
After one week of nursing intervention, the patient will respond to therapeutic medication.

Monitor for signs and symptoms of diabetes. Monitor for signs of hypoglycemia.
Monitor for the risk factor of diabetes. Assess for bowel sounds.
Explain the importance of weight loss.
Monitor the patients’ blood sugar levels.
Explain the importance of the patient’s dietary knowledge.
Provide plenty of fluids that are rich in calories.
Avoid loud noise in the patient’s environment.
Provide enough time to rest.

Patients with diabetes are at risk of developing hypoglycemia (Sturt et al., 2015.
Hypoglycemia caused by diabetes disrupts gastric motility and could lead to diabetes (Sturt et al., 2015).
Weight loss is an e...
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