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Investigation Summary on the Ivy Park at San Jose

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Investigation Summary – Ivy Park at San Jose
Accuser: N/A
Accused: Stanley Nguyen, Care Provider
Interviewers: Sara Post, Executive Director
Interviewed: Marilyn Brodie Lead Med Tech, Tiffany Ho Care Provider, Brenda Nguyen
On 2/12/2022, Marilyn Brodie, Lead Medication Technician, reported she had observed resident Ronald Ellis with bruising under his left eye and on the top of both of his hands during her routine checks. Marilyn then went to the office, where she discovered an incident report was placed under the office door. Marilyn then talked to Stanley about the incident report and asked what had happened to Ronald's hands. Stanley stated on 2/12/2022, at approximately 9: 00a.m, he was showering. Ronald and Roland became combative.
On 2/14/2022, Marilyn Brodie came into the Executive Director's office to report the incident 2/12/2022. Once I received the information, I immediately went to assess the resident. I witnessed the bruising and asked Ronald how he got the bruising. He replied, "The man and I got into a scuffle." I notified the resident’s spouse Georgia Wills of the incident. Shortly after, I called local law enforcement, and they came out to investigate, called the local ombudsman, and left a voicemail to Community Care Licensing. After notification, I began an internal investigation.
On 2/15/2022, I began the internal investigation and interviewed witnesses who worked with Stanley Nguyen on the day of 2/12/2022. I first interviewed Brenda Nguyen, the medication technician, on the incident. Brenda stated Stanley expressed to her Ronald was aggressive and combative during his morning shower, and he needed an incident report to...
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