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2 pages/β‰ˆ550 words
2 Sources
Life Sciences
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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The Relationship between Human Activity and The Environment

Case Study Instructions:

The txetbook you will use is called:" Environmental Ethics for Canadians" by Byron Williston, if you can not access the textbook, use my account
Note I: the critical summaries are your chance to reflect on the case studies at the end of the textbook’s chapters.
• They should be succinct (500 words) and accomplish three broad goals:
(a) convey the content of the study;
(b) assess the argument of the study; and
(c) make reference to two themes from the relevant chapter that help elucidate your points.
• Your course materials contain an example/model summary and a guide to writing critical summaries.
• Note II: For each critical summary assignment, you will have a choice of case studies to write about, as follows: Critical summary #2: case study from chapter 3, 4 or 5
will not receive credit/marks for the assignment if do it on the wrong
case study

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Critical Summary of Chapter 3 Case Study
Student Name
Critical Summary of “Tallgrass Prairie” as an “Endangered Space” Case Study
The case study in chapter 3 of the book Environmental Ethics for Canadians reflects the broader message and concepts within the chapter. It offers an example of what endangered spaces are and how humans should approach them. Additionally, the case study contextualizes the relationship between human activity and the environment. The primary idea in the case is that land used to be more bountiful before human activities caused massive depletion, and it is up to humans to reverse this outcome.
The main argument in the case can be evaluated from the lens of some core themes in the chapter. For example, the theme of deep ecology, as used by the Greenpeace movement, has been introduced in the chapter. Deep ecology calls for self-realization where individuals can identify with nature and adopt such practices as green consumerism. Additionally, voluntary simplicity, bioregionalism, and restoration and protection of wild spaces should be actively pursued. The same ideas are manifested in the case study through the words of Aldo Leopold, an American who wrote that the wilderness areas of Canada could and should be kept. Leopold expresses that the endangered spaces do not need deliberate planning since they can survive somehow on their own (Williston, 2016). This argument is validated by the observation that nature always reclaims the land whenever humans stop their activities. Therefore, the theme of deep ecology means that humans understand the value of spaces and respect the natural processes that sustain them. This point is made at the beginning of the chapter, where it is expressed that all living things will form relationships that benefit each other.
The argument also alludes to the broad theme of ecocentrism discussed ...
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