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Health, Medicine, Nursing
Case Study
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Osteoporosis Analysis

Case Study Instructions:

The case study will be composed of 5 pages (single-sided and double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 pt. font with 1” margins on all sides) paper. Essays must be typed with any sources (NON-WIKIPEDIA) cited both in-text and on a separate reference page attached. Citations must be in APA format including in-text citations.
These papers should be approximately 1000 words each. Please offer critical analyses of the disease and its treatment. Each disease chosen should have at least 3 articles supporting or arguing the effectiveness of treatment. In other words, these essays should answer the following questions:
1. “What is this article about and was the patient population significant enough to create a conclusion on the treatment’s effectiveness.”
2. What evidence did the article provide to make this conclusion?
3. Did the other two articles pertaining to the disease support or disprove the first author’s theory?
4. What critiques do you have about the articles?
Thank You

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Analysis of Osteoporosis
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Analysis of Osteoporosis
Osteoporosis is a disease in the bone. One suffers from it after losing a lot of bone or when they make too little bone. Due to this, the bones become very week and can break easily. They split after a fall, and in some critical cases, they can break when one bumps into something minor or sneeze. The bones become porous. When one views bones under a microscope. A healthy bone resembles a honeycomb. However, when one has osteoporosis, the spaces and holes are more extensive than a healthy bone. An osteoporotic bone structure has abnormal tissue and less mass, making them weak and more likely to break.
Osteoporosis is a common disease that can be prevented but not treated. In America, almost 54 million citizens have low bone mass and osteoporosis. They are at more risk of osteoporosis. Based on studies, a sample of people aged 50 and above claims that one out of two women and one out of four men have osteoporosis (National OsteoporosisFoundation,2021). According to Cleveland Clinic (2020), more than 200 million people have diseases globally. A study showed that women are four times likely to have osteoporosis than men. When they turn 50, the research shows that one out of four men and one out of two women have fractures related to osteoporosis. A 30% of people aged 50 have a low bone density, which makes them at risk of having osteoporosis. Many factors lead to osteoporosis; however, age and gender are the leading causes. The other factors include ethnicity, bone stricture, body weight, medical conditions, family history.
It is a severe complication, and most of these breaks commonly happen on the spine, hip, and wrist. Osteoporosis makes some people lose weight and have permanent pain. Sometimes, a patient can have a hunched posture and stooped, mainly if osteoporosis affects the spine's bones. In other cases, it limits mobility that can indirectly lead to depression and isolation. Some patients experience shortness of breath. Yearly two million fractures are a result of osteoporosis (Cleveland Clinic, 2020). Osteoporosis is a silent disease as it is difficult for one to know when their bones are weakening. The first sign is breaking the bones. In some scenarios, the patient notices that their upper back is curving, and sometimes they are getting shorter. Senile osteoporosis is caused by aging, which is a primary risk factor for osteoporosis.
A health care provider diagnoses osteoporosis. Results from a test show the health of the bones way before problems begin. It is done using a bone mineral density test. The X-ray tests use radiation to know whether the bones of the hip, spine are wrist is solid. The regular x-rays only show the availability of the disease when it is complicated. It is essential for all women over 65 years and men over 70 years to have the bone density test (Cleveland, 2020).
There are many ways to treat osteoporosis; it includes vitamins, exercise, medication, and mineral supplements. On the other hand, one can prevent osteoporosis with exercise and supplements. The most recommended exercise is resistance, weight-bearing, and balance. There is no particular medication that is used...
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