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Communications & Media
Case Study
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CASE SUMMARY: Communications & Media Case Study

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Case Summary
Away, a luxury luggage company, sells luggage to customers using Instagrammable ads. The corporation has had issues because of the impractical hard-shell casing in some of their products. The popular company remained in the market even as the management was reputed to have emotionally manipulated lower-level workers (Schiffer, 2019). The corporation promoted an intimidating culture, and there was continuous employee surveillance, as evidenced by many screenshots of internal communications presented in the interview.
The management intimidated customer service employees to work during the holidays. For some time, they declined to approve the request for future paid time off and banned employees from communicating privately with each other (Schiffer, 2019). For instance, Korey, the CEO, said that someone must have a dead brain for an error that involved monogrammed luggage tags. This outburst did not seem one time-off and was common-place. Days later, there was widespread condemnation, and Korey resigned. Even after stepping down, the accusations of poor working conditions from tag monogrammers and store personnel.
The company’s board seemed unbothered about Korey’s conduct and management style. The board members believed that the CEO was doing what CEOs are expected to do. Many of the company’s challenges surrounded responses to customers’ service emails in time and often receiving the phone when customers made calls. There are mainly two alternatives for addressing the ever-increasing line of consumer needs that comes with a rapidly growing direct-to-consumer corporation. They include hiring enough employees to attend to them and stretch...
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