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Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
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Native Deodorants: Sell or Swell

Case Study Instructions:

Students conduct an individual cases (HBSP) which involves analysis of the case and market data. The analysis requires preparing a brief summary of the issue(s) as well as clear analysis and a STRATEGIC (value Delivery focused) recommendation. This discussion should:
Specifically state the Value Delivery Network Problem (not the symptoms); this discussion may indicate a hierarchy of challenges but concludes with a clear statement of the problem to be addressed. This is not a recap of the content of the case; it’s a statement of the problem.
Present the results of ANALYSIS as key insights (these can be from the case, readings, research). Essentially, this is a summary of critical factors and forces which must be considered and assesses the opportunities and threats posed by these forces. Note, the case may include data which should be analyzed by students prior to group discussion. This is a chance for students to apply tools/techniques/perspectives from readings to analysis. Remember, these are cases chosen for Value Delivery Networks course – look for the insights which can be developed.
Makes a clear statement of a response to the problem; outlines the direction to pivot the organization and considers tactical implications (resources, time, responsibilities, and contingencies).
Concludes with a statement of expected outcome. A one paragraph statement which essentially states: Based on our insights (developed in “B”) to address (problem stated in “A”) we must do “C” to achieve “D”.
ALL Cases require some quant analysis; group cases (not to exceed three members) are more complex and involve more sophisticated analysis. Case Analysis are uploaded in canvas. As we will go over these in class on the due date, late assignments NOT ACCEPTED.
The point of the analysis is for students to apply course concepts and themes.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:

Native Deodorants: Sell or Swell (Case Study)
Institution Affiliation
Native Deodorants: Sell or Swell (Case Study)
The case study is based on the plan by Procter and Gamble Company to acquire Moiz Ali, one of the largest native deodorant companies. However, there are a lot of issues considered, especially financial stability and growth. In addition, specific factors must be noted while conducting the analysis, such as native deodorant was direct-to-customer related and any activity occurring was based on a reliable model and flow. The model was used to distribute all the deodorants across the United States. It is also identified that the model used was contributed by incorporating different ideologies and value delivery framework, which could be used to understand different challenges in the market environment.
Additionally, it created a reliable interconnection among the sellers and consumers. It is also identified that the company had been constantly profitable and organically grown regardless of the small astronomical pace. Lastly, during the analysis, there would be a focus on the specific problems which directly influence P & G's growth. Therefore, the analysis probes the analysis of the value delivery network problem and recommends the appropriate action to be taken.
Value delivery Network Problem and Analysis
The major value delivery problem is a poor feedback loop and inappropriate path. From the case study, it is identified that the major issue is leveraging the D2C model. A feedback loop is an essential aspect for every business since it determines the type of data that the customer delivers, thus enable them to understand the significant issues which must be addressed for increased profitability. However, it is noted that no effective feedback network is created in the business, leading to reduced data transmission. According to Tax et al. (2013), data transfer is an essential aspect that must be comprehensively be addressed by the consumer through appropriate feedback. The effective feedback loop is also necessary for the business to understand the specific desires and needs of the customers. It is also noted that, by 2016, the company had already diversified in 24 products but did not have a reliable network to transform the existing products depending on the customer interests. It means that whenever the company would have strictly focused on specific feedback loop strategies, the customers' interests would have effectively been addressed. Therefore, it must also be understood that one of the major problems noted in correlation to value delivery network is poor feedback strategy leading to reduced frugal growth.
Additionally, the problem can be explained in terms of the wrong alternative path that the company embraced. Regardless of Ali's existing plans for the company, such as keeping a strong brand's destiny, its approach to reaching the alternative path was not accurate. One of the major issues is selling out to P & G since it reduces the connection between the existing portfolio and the deodorant category. Critically, a path followed by any company plays a critical role in determining whether more profits are made or not. However, from the case study and the...
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