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Facebook Evaluation: The Company and its Products and Services

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Facebook Evaluation
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Question 1: Financial Overview of the Company
Facebook has been performing very well when it comes to sales revenue performance. For instance, in 2020 alone, Facebook generated $85.9 billion in revenue (Groothuis et al., 2020). To ensure improvement in sales, Facebook has been acquiring different companies over the years. Some of the companies acquired include Instagram and WhatsApp. As a result, the sales performance has been fairly improving over the years. In addition, the company is projected to grow steadily owing to its great command in the advertising sector. The net income for 2020 was $29,146 billion, and the profit margin was 81.43% (Groothuis et al., 2020). As of December 2020, Facebook has 58,604 employees (Groothuis et al., 2020). Considering the heavy use of social media channels in contemporary society, it is projected that Facebook will continue to have more sales.
Question 2: Overview of the Products and Services
Facebook offers various services. Generally, the company which has recently rebranded to Meta mainly offers social media platforms to billions of users. The platforms include Facebook, Instagram, and WhatsApp. These platforms have billions of users, offering the company a unique audience for making revenue. The main source of revenue for Facebook is through advertising. The company offers business owners a platform for advertising their products. Although ads are the primary source of revenue for Facebook, it is not the only one. Facebook also makes revenue from data generation. The general customers who are business owners are generally satisfied with Facebook services. However, there are some concerns about breaches of data privacy. An example of a data breach is the Cambridge analytical scandal, which exposed about 87 million users to unauthorized personnel.
Question 3: Facebook and the Environment
There are several ways in which Facebook protects the ...
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