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Case Study
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Rudy Wong Investment Advisor Case Study

Case Study Instructions:

Just follow the requirement I sent it in word document. You need to write this paper base on the case "Rudy Wang". You can cite the sentence from the case to prove your answer, please try to use simple and understandable words, and use advanced words when necessary.

  1. 1.     Basic requirements:

  • Times New Roman, 12-point font, Double-space

  • APA-style and in text citation

  • 8 pages

The case is on the attachment

  1. 2.     Analyze the case (Rudy Wong, Investment Advisor) base on these 4 questions:

(1) What is the role of an investment advisor, and how does an advisor such as Rudy


Wong attempt to add value?


(2) What do we mean by diversification and what role does it typically play in an


investor’s portfolio? How would you explain the difference between ‘active’ and


‘passive’ strategies to a non-sophisticated client?


(3) To what extent do emotions and psychology affect investment decisions, and how


should Wong account for this, given the state of the financial markets in March 2009?


(4) What investment strategies and advice should Wong provide to each of his four


clients? How should he communicate with each client?



  1. 3.     Basic information about the case

Rudy Wong, Investment Advisor


Stephen R. Foerster; Jimmy Rogers



With stock markets in major decline, Rudy Wong, an investment adviser for a wealth

management firm had to decide how best to reassure each of his clients in upcoming

meetings: by communicating logical arguments based on his portfolio management expertise

and analysis, or by managing emotions and attempting to re-establish his clients' faith in the

markets. He also needed to re-examine the investment strategy he had developed for each

client and recommend that they either "stay the course" with current strategies or make

changes. The case allows for a rich discussion of the role of investment advisors, the

importance of asset allocation, active versus passive management, investment goal setting,

the global financial crisis of 2007-2009, and application of behavioral finance issues such as

biases, reliance on heuristics, and framing. 

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Case Study of Rudy Wong
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Case Study of Rudy Wong
What is the role of an investment advisor, and how does an advisor such as Rudy Wong attempt to add value?
The role of an investment advisor is to help provide financial planning to clients. Investment advisors understand that there are many people with a lot of money but with limited knowledge of investments. So, advisors tend to bridge the gap between such individuals by making information about certain investments available. As indicated in the study, advisors also sell securities to their clients as well. However, as the study reports, the above happens “with a view to helping clients optimize the allocation of their financial assets to meet their financial needs.” But it is also crucial to understand that advisors also have to take into account “each client’s financial resources and constraints as well as short-term and long-term objectives.” While offering financial planning advice and selling securities, it is crucial that an investment advisor understands the strengths and vulnerabilities of their clients. Knowing a client’s financial resources and constraints help one avoid eventualities that would render certain investments profitless.
Aside from the above, investment advisors also help to offer valuable advice to their clients regarding any financial decisions a client wishes to make. As the study indicates, they guide clients on “every conceivable financial event such as how to save money on mortgage payments, saving money for a child’s college fund, picking the best credit card and providing retirement planning.” An advisor like Rudy Wong will consider their client’s financial position, their channels of income, as well as all expenditures and then offer informed advice on how they ought to, for example, plan for their retirement. This is how they add value to their clients. Getting the right financial advice has proven costly and not everyone can plan their finances or put themselves in positions of growth. This is where the value of people like Wong is exhibited as they consider all factors surrounding a client and then offer the best or the most calculated approach.
Investment advisors can add value through the information they offer their clients and also through staying objective in their assessment of issues. Advisors are people who understand the subject of risk management and they will always ensure that they have done risk assessment on the investment ideas they offer their clients. However, as indicated in the study, “retail investors tended to be highly subjective and emotional individuals whose psychological temperament could veer rapidly from greed to fear in the wake of rapid market swings.” In such cases, clients can easily engage in irrational decision-making which could be detrimental to their investments. It is possible for clients to be swayed by what they watch on the television or banter on the streets. Their concern is usually on their investments and whether or not they will be able to make any profits. So, any damning news can be taken seriously and could lead them to alter their positions on, for example, a trade or entry into a stock. ...
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