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2 pages/≈550 words
3 Sources
Business & Marketing
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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BE Unit III Case Study

Case Study Instructions:
Read the Case Study, titled on “Measuring Our Worth,” on pages 198-199 of the textbook. Once you finish reading the Case Study, answer the following questions: 1. If you were deciding whether to engage in the recall or settle the cases in which injury occurred, which would you choose? Why? 2. What influence does the value of your stakeholders have upon your decision? 3. What sort of financial impact will your decision have upon the company? 4. How do you account for the intrinsic and instrumental value of human life? Evaluate each assumption you make within your reasoning, and identify and evaluate the evidence. The Case Study should be thoroughly discussed in a minimum two-page paper based upon your readings. Any outside sources used to support your statements should be appropriately cited.
Case Study Sample Content Preview:
BE Unit III Case Study Student: Professor: Course title: Date: The decision to recall Ford Pinto by the Ford Motor Organization was of much essence though they had determined earlier that the decision to do so will cost the company much more in comparison to paying individual losses from accidents. This is because; morality dictates that human life is more essential than the profits that may be accrued by companies or individuals. Hence we must value human life above anything else. There is a need for organizations that care about human life to consider safety as an essential element in their operation (Ford Motor, 2010). Organizations have a responsibility of designing products in avoiding plausible and foreseeable risks of harm. In addition to this, the organization should also consider its own practices at a particular time, compliance with authority and government regulations, technological and scientific knowledge at that particular time. Building a car that may not be safe for users is an unethical conduct by all means. This organization has a role to ensure that all the components it manufactures are safe to the highest pedigree. This means that Ford Motor should not continue selling cars on grounds that the profits generated from sales were above the costs of individual damages and cost of life. In addition, the company should release such information to the public so that they could be aware on the dangers of such components. Creation of awareness is also helpful for end users to determine for themselves if they could go on with the purchase of the components at their own risks. For those who had already bought the car or the components it is essential that the company creates awareness to them so that they could take the necessary steps towards rectification. Failure to release such is utterly unethical. This ...
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