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3 pages/β‰ˆ825 words
2 Sources
Accounting, Finance, SPSS
Case Study
English (U.S.)
MS Word
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$ 14.04

MW Petroleum Corporation Case Writeup

Case Study Instructions:

Using the Harvard case write up guidelines provided earlier in this course (Lesson 5), please prepare a three- to five-page (double-spaced) case write-up for MW Petroleum (B). As per those guidelines, please include the following sections:
Proof and action
In the course of your write-up you will want to address the discussion questions from the previous two lessons and assignments. Please also include an assessment of the financial contracts from Lesson 11 and how these affect the final price that Apache might pay for MW Petroleum (i.e. are they a net cost or benefit to the company, in terms of expected value). Please be sure to provide a recommendation to Apache management as to whether they should proceed with the transaction, alter the terms, or terminate negotiations. Please feel free to provide additional insights from your reading of the case.

Case Study Sample Content Preview:
MW Petroleum Case Writeup Name Institution Date Situation There are differences in the way Amoco the parent company of MW Petroleum and Apache (buyer) value the deal to buy the former, since Amoco is more optimistic that oil prices will improve, but Apache seeks to reduce costs. The $ 1 billion asking price has been deemed to high by Apache, and agreement to renegotiate means that the two wi...
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