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Keyboard Man: How We Lie to Everyone, Especially Ourselves

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This may require some trouble, I would like to write the title is the keyboard man (keyboard man or facebook warriors), the theme can be keyboard and false self-identity (false self-identity) relationship, or why the keyboard and the existence of active in the network To explore the subject.
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“Keyboard Man”
Ariely, Dan, and Simon Jones. The (Honest) Truth about Dishonesty: How We Lie to Everyone, Especially Ourselves. Vol. 336. New York, NY: HarperCollins, 2012.
The topic "Keyboard Man" surrounds use of computers and keyboard when chatting in online socialization in different sites such as Facebook and Twitter among others. In most cases, people develop long-term virtual relationships which have resulted either in both positive and negative impact. In most cases, it is noted that such online relationships do not materialize due to false self-identity and lies. To ensure that such events materialize, a keyboard man and being active on the network usually enables the activity successful. Research conducted by Ariely and Jones (2012) on the truth about dishonesty, both the authors’ statements affirm that there is usually a logic and consistency being part of the irrational human thinking and actions. A major aspect that is revealed from the piece of work is that dishonesty or telling the truth is part of human survival and is purely based on human behavior. This is why it is found that lies exist in areas of ticket-fixing, in the police departments where there are scandals, extra marital affairs and the Ponzi schemes that undermine economy. Thus, cheating and dishonesty is a new cycle in human condition for survival. In their conclusion, Ariely and Jones note that cheating forms part of the Keyboard man’s behavior henceforth they are able to dupe organization managers and destroy relationships. Therefore, the article is essential for the topic on "Keyboard Man" that is based on themes such as false self-identity, and relationships among others.
Ellison, Nicole, Rebecca Heino, and Jennifer Gibbs. "Managing impressions online: Self‐presentation processes in the online dating environment." Journal of Computer‐Mediated Communication 11.2 (2006): 415-441.
One aspect of keyboard man tactics is the self-presentation strategy. This kind of strategy is majorly used by the online dating partners who typically present false information since they are aware that their colleagues would spy them. Therefore, these people usually manage their self-presentations through deceptions to achieve their objectives of getting lovers. As Ellison, Heino and Gibbs (2006) noted, the majority of online daters seek their partner or develop relationships hence they have to constantly stay online and have to impress their colleagues through the presentation of better sense such as the use of profile. These profiles have to be "ideal self" and are perceived by the other person to be real. In addition, they typically strive to establish the veracity of the numerous claims upon their identities. Therefore, the skills possessed by the keyboard man enable him to be accepted as indicated by the authors. Their discourse analysis entails exploration of language to construct gendered identities in different profiles and norms of communication. Thus, the users normally develop literacy of self-presentation which re-inscribes promotionalism which elevates contemporary social life. The information from the research is imperative for the present topic since it gives more information on the...
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