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Employees right to privacy - TERM PAPER

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Employees' right to privacy
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Employees’ right to privacy
In the contemporary society, privacy has become a disputed and vague value. This is because of incredible increase in the technology of computer for past decades. Therefore, this need and calls for advanced protection of privacy has overwhelmingly increased. However, there has been a lot of confusion regarding the value, nature and extent of privacy. There has also been argument made by philosophers that in order for the society to be able to maintain its core values, there should be simultaneous privacy guarantee of an individual. Every employee deserves or has a right to be left alone when it comes to their personal privacy (Jones & Teevan, 2007). Recent businesses and inventions methods seek attention to the other level that ought to be taken for a person’s protection as well as securing the individuals’ information. In the chapter fourteen of the seventh edition of the book, ‘Employment law for business,’ an incident has been elaborated regarding a police employee and violation of his privacy together with his colleagues their boss.
The advanced computer technology has contributed to exposure of numerous employees who use the computer services for their personal issues. Reports has it that nowadays, employers are demanding the log on information as they recruit new employees as well as from the other employees. This action has caused outcries regarding the violation of personal privacy, which has led to calls for members of congress to intervene by performing federal investigations. This kind of privacy invasion is contributing to numerous cases of unemployment as the existing or potential employees’ private information is accessible. After employers obtain the log on information, they keep track of the employees’ mails and other personal information. If there is existence of any inappropriate information that the employers did not approve, the employees are sacked or fail to be recruited. The employees and those seeking jobs are exercising this social network with a lot of caution since justice of privacy invasion is not yet solved. (Bennett & Hartman, 2009).
There was an observation from Bellace, the professor of legal studies and ethics of business in Wharton. She said that in the United States, if individuals tried to challenge such a kind of practice would lack the legal ground to support them. She put in that some individuals think that they bear more rights than they have. This is very true, as most employers tend to think they should dominate their employees’ every aspect of life. There is always threats that if the employees take a legal step to sue their employers for invading their privacy. The existence of this social media is likely to put many employed people into trouble. In earlier days, there was a bit of struggle before reporting a certain employer’s misconduct because the means were slow.
Unfortunately, the existence of face book and t...
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