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Literature & Language
Speech Presentation
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Death penalty should be stopped.

Speech Presentation Instructions:

Persuasive Essay and Speech topic: - Death penalty should be stopped. The death penalty is the harshest way of punishment I am against it. Can you please write my paper on this statement? The paper need to have 5 paragraphs; introduction, 3 body paragraphs, and conclusion. Guideline for paper is attached. Thank you!

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Death Penalty should be stopped
Death penalty defines a procedure where one is sentenced to death by government as a way of punishment for grave crimes. Although the practice is still carried out in some countries across the globe, it has become a controversial issue gaining attention from supporters and critics. Death penalty is the harshest way of punishment and should be abolished completely. Prisoners, irrespective of their crimes need to enjoy basic rights to life (Bedau & Cassel 18). A number of reasons have been presented to support the ending of the death penalty in the global context, some of which are analyzed in this discussion.
Primarily, it is agreeable that the killing of the innocent person defines unfairness that can never be returned, seeing that the life was lost immediately using force. Reflecting on studies, it is true that wrongful executions have been recorded, thus claiming innocent people. Therefore, it is unquestionable that death penalty should be eliminated in a society to stop the intolerable mistakes that take place during the practice. In essence, the killing of innocent people in the aforementioned scenario does not stop crime committed.
Most importantly, death penalty must be eliminated because it is harsh, oppressive, and discriminative based on tribal and racial diversities (Walker 11). The racial judgment defines the offender to be executed as well as the one to be freed. Such judgments are mostly factored by the race of the victim and the defendant. This explains why the tribal factors and race determine the death penalty in some nations across the globe. For instance, one who killed whites is likely to experience death penalty as compared to the one who killed blacks. Based on such situation, it i...
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