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Infinity and Beyond

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Infinity and Beyond
The phrase infinity and beyond is very popular among Americans. Most people relate to this term from the cartoon TV series Toy Story. This term came from the toy story's buzz light year character. Buzz light year is very famous for the phrase "To infinity and beyond!". This classic phrase has seen a variety in usages. Often people see infinity as a number that is greater than all other numbers. In some instances, people see Infinity representing God or eternity. Accordingly, Greeks were the first people to study 'Infinity' in a formal setting. The Greeks feared Infinity, but later mathematicians such as Euler and Cantor studied it enthusiastically. In 1900, David Hilbert emphasized the importance of Cantor's Continuum Hypothesis. Concerning Infinity, paradoxes that continue to baffle mathematicians still exist. For example, Russell's Paradox involves sets that do not contain themselves as elements. Mathematicians continue to study many unsolved problems related to the origin of Infinity, especially related to mathematics unsolved problems.
The Greeks made the first attempts to determine Infinity's value in actual measurements of a circle's diameter and circumference. Despite the good intentions and enthusiasm of the Greek mathematicians, other mathematicians accused them of being too ambitious in their study of Infinity. Zeno is well-known for developing his paradoxes involving the process of completing many tasks. He used these to support his claim that continuous-time, space, and motion are merely an illusion. In ancient Greek, ‘aeiron’ was used to mean li...
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